Wednesday, January 29, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

The Best Guitar Amp Sim Episode 2 – Scuffham S-GEAR

S-GEAR by Scuffham is without a doubt my favorite Amp Sim Plug-in. Scuffham S-GEAR not only sounds incredible, but the effects are also top-notch and it’s simple to use. S-Gear is a collection of guitar amps, speaker cabinets, and effects implemented in software for use with your computer, Windows PC or MAC. The software comes as a Standalone Application and as plug-ins for use with the most popular DAW (digital audio workstation) recording software. The Studio Rats are core band members Paul Drew on guitar/production/mixing, drummer James Ivey and Dan Hawkins on bass. They collaborate with singers and musicians to produce radio-ready songs.

Link to Scuffham

#scuffhams-gear #scuffhamamps

#Guitar #Amp #Sim #Episode #Scuffham #SGEAR

Originally posted by UCW-S0JAM1Rtte4lU0HsD8BA at

47 thoughts on “The Best Guitar Amp Sim Episode 2 – Scuffham S-GEAR

  • Great demo. But I can't get mine to sound as good as yours. And I have a PRS Custom 24. Yours sounds better.

  • anyone want to buy my THU overloud amp simulator ! – it is nowhere near as as good as the Scuffham and is probably twice as expensive ! i have been using my Scuffham for quite a few years now and they have updated regularly and they don't even charge and lots of free presets 🙂 ….cool people

  • I have no doubt that this amp suite is amazing, but my goodness, the way you play the instrument is so satisfying to listen to. It is like getting new music of interest to listen to every time I click on a Studio Rats video.

  • HI Paul, I got the S-Gear plug in and it sounds really good. I was wondering if you still feel this amp sim is the best or do you have any new favorites since you made this video? Thanks for your good work, I also appreciate the variety of styles you play. ( instead of just endless metal chugging )

  • This is quality content, you're so right about the way S-gear responds and feels like a real amp. When my band broke up I stopped playing because I needed that cranked Marshall experience, now I'm playing guitar again. All the best, great playing BTW.

  • Hi Paul! Couldn´t perhaps be the Wayfarer something more in the Mesa Boogie Mark territory?

  • nice sim and video. It sounds like they did a much better job on the modded Marshall than they did on the SLO style amp. How does this amp sim compare to the Neural DSP ones. I am interested in the modded Marshall style tone…Thanks in advance for your time

  • Just downloaded this software because of this video…

    Loved the intro solo and sweet singing tone.

    I was able to get it to play through Protools, but not just through the app. Which is fine.. As long as I can play and record..

  • I'll never understand, why this is popular. Sounds much too digital, in fact only the Wafarer sounds usable to me, the other amps have little similarity with the real amps, they pretend to simulate. A real Plexi, which sounds as bad as the Stealer, needs to be repaired, not even the Tweed amp sounds convincing to me. Much less the Dumble and SLO.
    Also high-gain amps are missing completely! And a lot of essential effects, maybe even more a spring reverb and tape echo.
    Was a nice plugin ten or fifteen years ago, but since then nothing really has improved, while some competitors relase at least two or three top notch amp plugins within a single year in much better state-of-the-art quality, while Scuffham still "polishes" some meanwhile outdated, much too digitally sounding old amp simulations, whithout updating them to 2022 level.
    Nothing or me, sorry!

  • I used the custom 57 and thought it sounded unbeatable, until I compared it with the same amp on my hx stomp. Both with the hx stomp as audio interface. Of course it is not a fair comparision because i use compressors (before and after amp), and drive pedals on the stomp, but it sounded a lot better than the scuffham custom 57. I’d be curious to try scuffham with the same effects for a fair comparision.

  • I'll never understand why this isn't more popular. I feel like I've tried them all and this destroys all others. It may not have all the bells and whistles that some other have, but what good are bells and whistles if the core sounds don't sound great. This is the one.

  • starting to wonder why the hell i bought all these pedals, and amps.. i usually push away this idea of Computer Simulated Amp.. but wow !! this is epic stuff. I wonder if there are any cons to using this ?

  • I CANNOT believe the small price of this!? Admittedly the UI isn’t as ‘sexy’ as the neural dsp stuff but it sounds insane! I’m buying it tonight based on your review

  • How do you get a tone that's creamy distorted, crunchy with bite but doesn't have any mud that gets in the way of the articulation and clarity of the chord??? I wrote this heavy kind of song and recorded a demo to drums with nylon string guitar but literally CAN NOT find the right electric guitar tone ANYWHERE.

  • The Scuffham S-GEAR (for me) is the best Sim Plug-in. I have testet a lot of them, but S-Gear sounds the most amp-like to me and is extremely responsive

  • I have watched plenty of reviews of players doign just metal riffs, producing a muddy wall of sound. I love your sound and playing – gives you much more of an idea, what the gear sounds like. Keep up the good work!

  • This sounds fantastic – and great playing; I paused the video so many times to figure out your licks 🙂

  • I’m excited to use it live, as long as the laptop won’t crash I think we’re good ???? The nice thing is many console today can easily plug a laptop/pc.

  • How would you rate Nerual amp plugins, logic plugins as compared to Scuffham ? And is UAD really better than these? I have floor model of the Fractal AX8 and not completely happy with it. It could be the pickup on my guitar possible but don't have a way of comparing. Would appreciate any advice as I now have logic to do recording. I like the reduced choice.

  • there's no shit. It is still a VST but I use S-Gear since 2008 or 2009 and there is not yet Plugins that can offer a better amp Simulation.

  • Are you using this in Luna? If so how are you working around the latency using a third party plugin?

  • Paul, I have been playing guitar for quite a few years and I couldn't even play the 1st chord in your Heaven preset let alone the next 4 or 5. How do you stretch that first finger back that far and get a clean sound on the D string? These chords sound so nice on this preset and you make it look effortless to play them. Any secrets to playing them? Great Demo …I ended up buying S-Gear.

  • Hi Paul, thank you for this demo. I actually purchased this plugin after watching this video. I'd really like to know which model PRS you're playing here? Thanks!

  • Can i ask you what is your signal chain and how you recorded your guitar?, it's sounds awesome btw,….

  • My friend bought the S-Gear almost on a whim without knowing exactly what it is, he also has a Fractal FM3 so obviously he played his fractal all the time and almost never play his S-gear

    Long story short i went to his flat and jam together, because i want to try his FM3 so he used the S-gear

    to both of us surprise the S-gear sounds freakishly good, he surprised even more since that was the first time he actually played his S-gear, i even dare to say for the Plexi crunch or Friedman-ish high gain type of sound i think the S-gear is a tad better

    right now i'm saving money to buy S-gear, hopefully i can afford it this year 😀

  • Hi Paul…the sounds I'm getting on the presets in this video Scuffham s-Gear episode 2 (#003 Plexmonster and #075 Palritz) are way darker and more compressed than what you're getting in this video. I've tried several guitars…an HSS Strat with a Seymour JB…an HSS Strat with a Lollar Imperial (standard-medium output)…and an HSS Strat with a DiMarzio PAF Master, and none of them are close to the big, open sounds you're getting. Was there any additional processing in the video? Thanks…Scott (

  • Dude these tones are unreal. My SGear doesn’t sound as good. What’s your secret sauce ?
    Do you have an Axe fx as your interface?

  • What do you think about using a tube pre amp before enter into the audio interface? I am trying this solution because I was curious about the result. I have a Scarlett 2i4 1st generation and I can't wait to upgrade my setup and change it. I love your channel and you are doing a great job, the S-Gear sounds amazing, the only thing I would like to improve is the fact that you can load only one third part IR, I have a good collection from York Audio and I am not able to blend them.


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