Thursday, September 19, 2024

7 thoughts on “KORG TONEWORKS AX3000G Guitar Multi-effects Demo

  • Cool arpeggio’s. I’m gu????that box did them . What’d ya think otherwise

  • mine was quite nice. but recently when I stepped on the switch, it doesn't work correctly, I had to keep preesing it multiple times to change to different bank. and sometimes it changes to different bank automaticaly. I tried reseting the harware, it helps but just for a while then it malfunction again. I have in mind to buy another simple multi-fx. but i kind of loved this one since it was my first. does anyone have this kind of problem with this multi-efx?

  • I have had that multi-effects since 2013 to date and it is still quite useful to me, although I already changed the buttons and potentiometers but everything continues to work

  • THIS WAS SCARY overdrivedsatureteddistortin . i had a RP1 Digitech in 1991 and i had some fun playing live with it .


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