Tuesday, February 18, 2025

37 thoughts on “Learn Live 12: Meld

  • Nice tutorial, thank you! ❤???????? I especially like that it includes technique to test, disable portions such as OSC A or B as a way of showing both learning and testing portions of Meld given even those relatively "narrow" areas are actually vast. To boot, I like that enabling/disabling areas/sections is repeated as part of the tutorial which is both a great way to learn and show an exploratory iterative approach that does not overwhelm.

  • PLEASE give us Meld's LFO section as a stand-alone, separate Modulation device! 🙂 <3

  • Love this device. Thanks for a great walkthrough. Gonna take a few hours tonight
    At 3:18 – that's some serious Jan Hammer / Miami Vice vibe going on there 😉

  • What a beautiful melody to work with it. It's really not easy to choose one that doesn't get annoying after repetition for over 10 minutes. This worked out well!

  • could barely make out what the woman had to tell me in her clinical unemotive voice, sounds of the synth where overpowering the information.. Wanted to learn but cannot watch this

  • Man, this is such a beautiful sounding synth. And this is coming from a Bitwig guy ????

  • I'll never understand why some plugin overviews aren't showcasing the most important pieces of a plugin. You didn't let us hear how each of Roar's dist type sounds and now the same story goes for Meld's oscilator types. Really weird.

    Melody is great though.

  • Man, this is a good video for explaining Meld. There are vanishingly few 4 bar melodies I'd be OK with repeating for 13 minutes straights, but I'll be darned if this isn't one of them. This was great.

  • Great job with the Meld!
    I really hope that Tension and Collision gets this kind of mod matrix in the future. So you can go deeper into the sound design of these two devices.
    plus it would to be cool too if Resonators and Corpus had Scale Mode as an option (especielly Resonators). somethings I really just want the Resonators to follow a midi track with a melody and having the Resonators on drums, for example.

  • Off-topic question, but how do you change the value of parameters without clicking+dragging? I know you can use the arrow keys but it doesn't look like they're doing that. In the video it looks more like the scroll wheel but AFAIK that doesn't work ????

  • At first I was like "how is this better than wavetable", then they showed the modulation and scale awareness possibilities. Damn. I love how the LFO section almost brings some modular synth-type modulation capabilities.


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