Wednesday, March 12, 2025

46 thoughts on “A $35 Guitar Pick!? #johnmayer #guitar #acousticguitar #martinguitar

  • They only pick that I hear an actual difference with is the Fender Medium Celluloid picks. They sound very bright and chime-like

  • actually a guitarist for over 25 years ???? but lowkey i hate those tortex picks find they ware quickly and don’t sound or feel as nice as a shiny fender medium idk they all sound the fucking same though ????

  • Blue Chip picks are legendary for a reason. Loads of Bluegrass flat pickers swear by them. For top players every little 1-2% chance for improvement here or there will actually be meaningful. For lots of players the $35 pick is lipstick on a pig.

  • Buy a 35$ blue chip and you wont lose it. Its a feeling thing too, might not sound all that different but sure does glide across those strings

  • As a prehistoric creature from the mesozoic era who's 30ft tall… I closed my eyes after watching twice and waited for when my ears could detect a difference in the loop.. I must have let it loop 20 times, I really can't pick up a difference between them. Like, at all.

  • picks do have a different attacks but you cant change up what you're playing when making a comparison you're adding in another variable

  • It does sound better. The first pick wasn’t smooth, made it sound tinny. I wonder if the thickness was the same exactly

  • I'm definitely never using those expensive picks ever.

    Not when <$1 picks are a thing

  • Dang, I didnt have a pick for about two weeks and I was a lil lazy to go to my local music shop so i cut a key in half and used that for some time….im not gonna lie…after I bought some ernie balls (what i typically buy) i was sorta disappointed lol….havent gone back to the key but it sounds and feels different a bit.

  • Of all the guitar picks I have ever seen or used, those are some of them….

  • bro i had some shitty pink pick since i started 20 years ago i literally get anxiety attack if i misplace it after im done playing lol

  • Slight difference because the Tortex material is relatively soft and warmer sounding but Dunlop makes a bunch of picks that are stiffer and brighter like the Ultex and Primetone

  • Wrong kind of playing to demo it. But the BCs are awesome. No scratchiness at all

  • To be clear: pick preferences are WAY more about how it feels in your hand and how well you can wield it for your style of playing than their actual sounds. BUT I will say that I KNOW I have picks that sound much more different than one another than the selection in this video. He never really switched materials, year different formulas and shapes. But a wooden pick vs steel vs copper vs bamboo vs composite etc does make a huge difference (relatively) on the sound. This is much more apparent on an electric guitar than an acoustic.

  • I don’t care how much money you have. If you spend more than $0.50 on a guitar pick, you’re a clown.

  • Man, it's such a subtle difference as a listener that I don't think it's worth it.

    Just buy whatever is comfortable to play, and stick with that.

  • Ja ja und ne Currywurst für 18.50 und ein plektrum für 35 Euro ihr habt sie doch nicht mehr alle.????


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