A $35 Guitar Pick!? #johnmayer #guitar #acousticguitar #martinguitar
#Guitar #Pick #johnmayer #guitar #acousticguitar #martinguitar
Originally posted by UCe2E6jakftoYbUudKCk5AOw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiVNJjiQbAo
#Guitar #Pick #johnmayer #guitar #acousticguitar #martinguitar
Originally posted by UCe2E6jakftoYbUudKCk5AOw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiVNJjiQbAo
As a guitarist of 130+ years these are definitely guitar picks
No such thing by john mayer❤
They only pick that I hear an actual difference with is the Fender Medium Celluloid picks. They sound very bright and chime-like
Jazz 3 is all you need specifically xl for acoustic
actually a guitarist for over 25 years ???? but lowkey i hate those tortex picks find they ware quickly and don’t sound or feel as nice as a shiny fender medium idk they all sound the fucking same though ????
Tortex has been my go to since forever, no wonder why
Durability is the key
Blue Chip picks are legendary for a reason. Loads of Bluegrass flat pickers swear by them. For top players every little 1-2% chance for improvement here or there will actually be meaningful. For lots of players the $35 pick is lipstick on a pig.
35$ for a pick? ????????♂️????
Buy a 35$ blue chip and you wont lose it. Its a feeling thing too, might not sound all that different but sure does glide across those strings
As a prehistoric creature from the mesozoic era who's 30ft tall… I closed my eyes after watching twice and waited for when my ears could detect a difference in the loop.. I must have let it loop 20 times, I really can't pick up a difference between them. Like, at all.
It’s not about tone its about feel and the green turtle is the best pick in the world
picks do have a different attacks but you cant change up what you're playing when making a comparison you're adding in another variable
Tortex .88’s for life.
It does sound better. The first pick wasn’t smooth, made it sound tinny. I wonder if the thickness was the same exactly
I don’t want to admit , that the last one did sound better .
Truss rod needs a turn that why the b string rattles.
I'm definitely never using those expensive picks ever.
Not when <$1 picks are a thing
Dang, I didnt have a pick for about two weeks and I was a lil lazy to go to my local music shop so i cut a key in half and used that for some time….im not gonna lie…after I bought some ernie balls (what i typically buy) i was sorta disappointed lol….havent gone back to the key but it sounds and feels different a bit.
Might just as well use a coin like the legendary Brian May does.
Tortex every day of the week, of the year, of my life
It's so crazy they all sound like a guitar
Song name: No Such Thing by John Mayer (I swear I instantly got it by the intro, no google search)
Can't go wrong with tortex
it has a little difference not because of the brands used but the thickness of the pick
Of all the guitar picks I have ever seen or used, those are some of them….
bro i had some shitty pink pick since i started 20 years ago i literally get anxiety attack if i misplace it after im done playing lol
For $35 it better be the pic of destiny ????
Slight difference because the Tortex material is relatively soft and warmer sounding but Dunlop makes a bunch of picks that are stiffer and brighter like the Ultex and Primetone
I hear no difference only difference is the over price of the other picks
Wrong kind of playing to demo it. But the BCs are awesome. No scratchiness at all
Red Duniop’s for metal
Suck to Lose a 20$ pick
Dude, I got so used to teardrop picks, my hands can't stand those kind of picks
To be clear: pick preferences are WAY more about how it feels in your hand and how well you can wield it for your style of playing than their actual sounds. BUT I will say that I KNOW I have picks that sound much more different than one another than the selection in this video. He never really switched materials, year different formulas and shapes. But a wooden pick vs steel vs copper vs bamboo vs composite etc does make a huge difference (relatively) on the sound. This is much more apparent on an electric guitar than an acoustic.
I’ve used a dime as a pick before. None of it matters. Just make it sound good.
How about we ask Brian May how much his “pick” costs
Can get a nice sound out of a penny tbh
I don’t care how much money you have. If you spend more than $0.50 on a guitar pick, you’re a clown.
I make stainless steel ones for $5. I just need a new welder 🙁
Man, it's such a subtle difference as a listener that I don't think it's worth it.
Just buy whatever is comfortable to play, and stick with that.
I'll stick to my bread bag plastic pick thank you!! ????
Oh yeah, John Mayer's first album before he was SRV-Bonamassa, Jr.
damn i never in my life bought a pick more than 1 dollar
Ja ja und ne Currywurst für 18.50 und ein plektrum für 35 Euro ihr habt sie doch nicht mehr alle.????
Dublop is my favorite so many different ones for cheap