Monday, March 3, 2025
BassBass Amps

A Do Everything Bass Amp – Ampeg RB115 In Depth Review

In this episode we take a look at a great do everything bass amp, the Ampeg RB115. I have had this amp for a little over a year and have been giging and recording with it.

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#Bass #Amp #Ampeg #RB115 #Depth #Review

Originally posted by UCRdjPZzLjpDvlAjLCuvXpVw at

21 thoughts on “A Do Everything Bass Amp – Ampeg RB115 In Depth Review

  • I have the same amp. We are planning to use it in a gig this month in a small club. Would it be enough to use the amp alone? I mean without connecting it to PA or boom mic to mixer?

  • Amazing review.. I bought one recently. Do you know the speaker power? would it be ok to set the volume to maximum in a gig? So far i'm liking although I'm having issues hearing myself with a band sometimes

  • I pulled out my rocketbass 50 today just to experiment with it. Normally I use my Peavey Max300 210. I figured out how to get a great tone from the Ampeg. In the past I would just use the eq for cutting starting at 12’oclock. Could never get a satisfying tone. Today I boosted the low to 3:00 mid 10:30 and treble 2:00. Omg!!! I am blown away at how great it sounds. Next I ran direct out into a Headrush powered 112 full range speaker and it is comparable to the Peavey in tone. Fun stuff

  • Great video, thanks!
    Would you say it gets close to the SVT growl sound?
    Is it a good alternative if you're on a lower budget?

  • I have this amp and love it for practicing at home, but for band practise I plug it into an SWR workingman's 1×15 cab and it keeps up with the drums guitars etc I did plug it into an 8 ohm 4×10 once and it is pure heaven with those 10' inch speakers and the internal speaker running together.

  • Great review, I’m trying to decide on what amp I want to run. I have a Mark Bass 210 cab with a little mark 3 head. The LM3 is dying,this is the 2nd LM3 that’s died on me in 10 years, I will never buy anything MB again. Looking at the Ampeg RB115 and fender rumble 100 and selling the MB cab. Or getting an Ampeg PF350 for the MB cab. I’ve read that the new MB cabs are China made but the older Italy cabs are exceptional. (I know their electronics aren’t ????) I do have an Italy made cab. Decisions decisions

  • You should just have wayy more views and subscribers. Also you said in the vid you can attach another 8ohm cab to this combo amp correct? Would you reccomennd anothet ampeg?


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