Saturday, March 15, 2025

30 thoughts on “A Guitar Lesson With Tom Morello | LNWY

  • True master of effects and tone, you don't have to be super fast or technical to make the stuff of legends. simply just make great music.

  • It's crazy how much Tom sounds like Master Ken. "And after you do that last part, always stomp the groin"

  • Look can we just finally say it honestly and plainly? Yes is an incredible and creative guitar player. Great riffs. But at the end of the day it is very simple. After the effects are gone its pretty easy

  • Wait didn't he teach Maynard and Adam from Took Drop D? And no I'm not trying to be funny. I remember hearing that somewhere? I wonder if this is what he was talking about when he was talking about the lesson??

  • Tom Morello is a big fan of The Clash, Joe Strummer wore a Telecaster fender in the same color

  • I just wish Tom would break out his new signature series commie crybaby pussyfart pedal..that thing is awesome!

  • Thomas Baptiste Morello (Harlem, Nueva York; 30 de mayo de 1964), más conocido como Tom Morello, es un músico y politólogo estadounidense integrante de Prophets of Rage, Rage Against the Machine y exguitarrista del grupo de rock Audioslave. Actualmente lidera un proyecto en solitario llamado The Nightwatchman y una banda junto a Boots Riley llamada Street Sweeper Social Club. Fue galardonado con el Grammy Award al mejor guitarrista.​ Fue elegido por la revista Rolling Stone, como uno de los guitarristas en su artículo “El top 26 de nuevos guitarristas”.​ Además, ocupa el puesto número 26 en la Lista de los 100 guitarristas más grandes de todos los tiempos según la revista Rolling Stone.

  • This guy sucks. Watch the Fender Games Of Throns nuno beckorn cyecjer him. The fbe ' G bender' Brad praisly checked him

  • He is like a Guitar Dj, so good sense for melody, that is what separates him from the rest. He is very creative. He is not an Shawn Lane or Slashtype, he makes good sounds chorent to the music that is presented. One of my fav, both Tom and RATM

  • Cool lessons he’s a major pioneer! ????????????Check my remix of bulls on parade. I added a DJ cross fader hooked to my guitar add new levels to the scratch solo and riff. In addition I patented the 1st vertical scallop fretboard for new bends / vibrato and pulloffs

  • This Man Genius on Guitar and Sound Effect, even though the band is no longer active but diq never backs down in music.

    He is Guitar Hero.

  • Any questions????? No. Best guitar lesson video i've ever seen and it gave me this sentence back: there are no rules, just play! Thank you, Tom????


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