Monday, March 10, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

A red, special Red Special

Many people over time asked me about the instrument I use for my Queatles and Been stuff. So here it is, everything there is to know about the guitar, the effects and tricks that I use to make it sound like a Red Special without being a Red Special at all!
DISCLAIMER contains 20 seconds of black screen, misspoken words, Italian accent and bad editing.
I did my best with the little time I had!

Jim Reed Website (not working anymore, but still):
Reach my friend and GREAT guitar tech Raffaele Lombardi of FORROCK Liuteria here:

00:00 Black screen – Sorry!
00:25 Start
00:51 The guitar’s story
03:51 The superswitch
06:48 Out of phase
07:53 Amps and effects
10:01 Some examples
11:12 Reverb
12:47 Tone vs Sound
15:53 Greetings from Italy

#red #special #Red #Special

Originally posted by UCCGqch9dD-VC8tBcg4VDYqw at

7 thoughts on “A red, special Red Special

  • What about For no one using Life is real for example – I let you know if I think of something else Thanks

  • Well Fabio, the cat is out of the bag now. Thanks for the informative video, I may get my local luthier to do some of this for me. I have a Red Special and love the way it sounds but not fond of how it feels in my hands, I'm a Strat guy thru and thru. You are using stock pickups?

  • Great Fabio ! not only your Red Special but also your musical arrangements . Amazing Idea ! Congratulations

  • Very interesting explanation of how you created the Brian may sound using the logic system and the mods on the strat I recently got the the Brian may amplug made by vox which is a small unit with built in treble booster and phaser plus drum machine for we will rock you very clever that vox has made this.


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