AC-60-RW/AC-33-RW Acoustic Chorus Guitar Amplifier Overview
New Rosewood Finish!
Roland’s award-winning AC-series Acoustic Chorus guitar amplifiers are beloved for their rich, natural tone and lush stereo/multi-band chorus. Now, the AC-60 and AC-33 are available with beautiful rosewood-look cabinets, offering an alternative to the standard stage-ready black finish. The attractive woodgrain styling perfectly matches the atmosphere of your living room or studio, as well as the aesthetic of your acoustic guitars.
#AC60RWAC33RW #Acoustic #Chorus #Guitar #Amplifier #Overview
Originally posted by UC4vbiZMU_yrheYVZH393-Zw at
For the record, the AC-60 does NOT have "all the same features" as the AC-33. Only the AC-33 has a looper. I own both of these amps and by far, my favorite is the 33. Smaller, lighter, sounds better and is battery powered, if desired.
Another armature review that only tests half of this combo. A device intended to reproduce guitar AND song must be tested for both of these features, not just one.
Le afecta la calidad de corriente donde se enchufe provoca sonido con distorsión baja y sube el volumen lo deja sin sonido no lo recomiendo. ???? afecta la eléctrica . No suena.
Why would you want it to 'look even better than it sounds'.
Is it ideal to pair a semi hollow body guitars with acoustic amp? And isn't that guitar at the beginning an electric guitar?
sound like crap m@n no dynamic whatsoever HP made in china no way // Acus One really rocks 4 acoustic lush sound
Where I found the Roland AC60 RW to buy? I cant find it, only the AC60 (without the integrate loop)
Nothing against Rosewood – or any wood for that matter – but fake wood sucks ass…
Somebody ought to do a real plywood conversion and charge an extra $75 for it or something… Roland, stop yucky stuff like plastic wood veneer, please!
Is the ac60 battery powered like the ac33?
`Sounding great – but looking BETTER!`
Seriously, advertising agencies are full of morons.
The looper is ok but extremely limited other than for practice.
Rosewood appearance !!!
this must be an older version: i cant see the shape and pickup selectors here..
Can't tell whether it is a giant guitar or a very small guy…
wait so they look better than they sound? you just said that..
In all the advertisements on the AC-60, I am not aware of any mention of a looper which is contrary to the video?