Sunday, February 23, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Access all the ToneX One Slots with your feet, WIRELESSLY!!!

Huge thanks to @Salveguitarristas for his video about this topic! Go subscribe to him, immediately!! He has a a video in Portuguese guitar channel and I watched his video with the auto translate on a bunch of times to do this. The captions had some funky translations, so I have done a video about this same topic and hopefully it is as helpful to you as his was to me.

Check him out asap!

Get a ToneX from Amazon here:

Get the Midi Chief app on the Google Play store here:

Grab a Chocolate from AliExpress here:

It’s more expensive on Amazon, but arrives quicker:

Here is the phone I bought:

Get Cubesuite here:

#Access #ToneX #Slots #feet #WIRELESSLY

Originally posted by UCdGYS99QkdaUUHcaBihxASA at

20 thoughts on “Access all the ToneX One Slots with your feet, WIRELESSLY!!!

  • I love the Tonex One pedal too! But I've had an issue since day one and I have the same exact problem with 5 of them now!!! So it must be the pedal itself yet it just can't be right and makes no sense. I can't turn the volume or gain down on any amp presets or stomp presets less than half way up. Not even a nudge or it starts sounding sizzly like it's not getting enough signal or something. I've never owned a pedal where 50% of the volume or gain parameter was unusable and when I had the big version never had that problem. Such a waste and I've looked all over online and have yet to to find one mention of this from any other users. wtf????

  • Mega-awesome!

    Could this also control effects? I mean have 20 different presets with amps and different effects? Or have an amp on or off and be able to eg. toggle reverb/delay on and off?

    Also – would this work x2 one tonex one pre and one post? Or could I have two tonex one pedals (one pre and one post) and maybe even buy a bigger midi-footswitch to have all my presets?

    Thanks and take care!

  • This is awesome!!! I only just ordered the tonex one to compare the tonex sound to my kemper and fractal. Im on the hunt for the best possible modelor/profiling sound that best replicates my tube amps. Thanks dor this i had no idea it was midi capable!!!

  • Dude thanks for the awesome videos on this! I got it to work with my FS1-W! Pretty cool!

  • Once they release the new FX update in November, it's going to take things to a whole different level. You may be able to get a very viable and simple compact fly-rig out of this thing just by connecting it to your phone! I just wish Tonex would have built this functionality in as well as provisioning the ability to edit presets on the pedal via the app.

    Maybe future updates to this pedal would include the ability to edit the pedal via app and, if they won't introduce midi, the ability to switch presets via the app while plugged into the Tonex (so there's no need to deal with a 3rd party app, etc). That would be the smart thing to do if they want to set themselves apart from the competition.=

  • So the midi controller can’t directly control the Tonex one. It’s just controlling the app which is connected to the Tonex one. Am I right?!

  • Hey there, I don’t get it running. I have a Ampero Control midi pedal, must be the same kind as the Mvave. I can switch the sounds on the TONEX One with the phone, but I can’t get the Ampero control to do anything. I tried different values, no luck. I’m a midi idiot, but if there is someone who can help me how to do that, would be great. I did already 20 slots on the midi chief app for the TO, and the Ampero Control is connected via Bluetooth. Thanks for suggestions

  • This is awsome, I never understood why IK crippled the Midi function on the amazing TonexOne

  • Thanks for giving me an idea.
    I think i can build a pedal board with my lenovo legion go on it together with those pedals for live situations.

  • stoked about this! however i would warn against live gain staging by switching amps all over the place. drive a sound person nuts.

  • Bro thanks for making this video! I’ve got the tonex one and was thinking about trying this set up! I used positive grid Jamup in a similar way but it’s iOS so I might have to get a burner phone too. But gonna try with iPhone maybe I can find a way! I love the way your room looks it’s awesome! Keep up the good work!

  • Will there also be a workaround like this if I use the MeloAudio Midi Commander? I think the bigger gaps of the button placement of the MeloAudio would be more reliable and efficient in terms of quick stepping on live performance since rocking out or being in the zone will make you a bit excited and won't have a chance of accidentally stepping into two buttons in the real-life unlit flooring at night time. This is what we gigging musicians always encounter every live stage performance. Atleast for me almost every night.


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