Friday, March 14, 2025
BassBass Amps

Acoustic Amps of the year 2019 | Top 5 | Thomann

Valeria and Guillaume find out which is their favourite new acoustic amp of 2019 – whether you’re a busker or a wedding singer, those little amps come in handy!

Gear used:
We use Triad-Orbit stands for our videos exclusively:

Interesting bits and pieces:
0:00 Introduction
1:19 Why use an acoustic amp?
2:14 Acus One-8 Simon M2 | Talking
3:28 Acus One-8 Simon M2 | Playing Mic
3:41 Acus One-8 Simon M2 | Playing DI
3:53 Audio Sprockets ToneDexter | Talking
5:40 Audio Sprockets ToneDexter | Playing DI
5:52 Elite Acoustics A6-55 | Talking
7:44 Elite Acoustics A6-55 | Playing Mic
7:56 Elite Acoustics A6-55 | Playing DI
8:07 Laney A1 | Talking
8:51 Laney A1 | Playing Mic
9:03 Laney A1 | Playing DI
9:16 Fishman Loudbox Mini | Talking
10:10 Fishman Loudbox Mini | Playing Mic
10:21 Fishman Loudbox Mini | Playing DI
10:33 Goodbye!

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Originally posted by UCtvgPVBJ_r1vjN4mRuHCbog at

48 thoughts on “Acoustic Amps of the year 2019 | Top 5 | Thomann

  • Piezo sound suckkkkkmkkkks. I’ll never change my mind. So awful. Great looking amps and singing though at the intro

  • Can you recommend a couple acoustic guitar amps that work well with electric with 2+channels and effects?

  • If I had the money…Acus. But I just stumbled upon a US made Ultrasound AG30 for 50 bucks Australian which is about 35usd. Bargain me thinks…✌

  • I wanted to hear her play more. This dude's tone was muddy and basically sounded the same through each amp. Yield the stage.

  • Buon prodotto ma assistenza inesistente .ho comprato l'acus da 200 watt .dopo poco tempo mi ha dato problemi nei potenziometri .Portati al mio
    Negozio il quale l'ha mandato all'assistenza ,e dopo due mesi ,2/3 mail mandate al responsabile dell'acus .il quale mi ha garantito che si interessava del iter di riparazione ,ma a tuttora dopo due mesi non ho ricevuto alcuna notizia .fatevi un opinione dopo questa testimonianza .sperate che non si rompi mai .sino ad oggi devo portarmi appresso il mixer e casse .

  • The Tonedexter is much better than this video suggests. Just sounds like the usual piezo sound. Maybe it wasn't set up right.

  • So which one you liked the best, you know via computer we cannot hear the full dynamic range of the sound and the tone that these amps create but you do.

  • Here's my issue with the Acus, someone over at that company needs to be fired for wasting that many knobs & having that many channels on one box. Pretty amp though, just need to simplify & streamline the thing. If they're going to do that many channels, they might as well have a way to save presets, while still keeping it minimally simple. Can you imagine the work involved in wiring all those pots and trying to figure out which one's need cleaning or be replaced ? I wouldn't wish that amp on anyone. I bet the repair tech just shakes his head after the beauty of the stunning cabinet wears off.

    The one's I liked most, pretty mush the Laney & Fishman.

  • Thank you, that's a pleasant video and informative enough.
    I have a Laney A-Duo, which was very inexpensive but makes a surprisingly good, clear sound. The reverb is basic and the chorus should be ignored, but otherwise, for the money I think it's a bit of a find.

  • Hello, thanks for the great video. What is your decibel meter that we can see on the right? I can't find it on thomann. It's will be very practice in my appartement music. Best regards, Vincent

  • Why does nobody tests acoustic amps with nylon strings guitars?? I bought a Fender 200 Acoustic because it sounded beautiful with steel stringed guitars, unfortunately awful with nylon stringed guitars. Please can you give an amp demo specially for electric nylon stringed guitars?

  • Where are Schertler and AER? Schertler ROY is by far the absolute best acoustic guitar speaker on the market, but also AER XL or Domino is worth a look. Fishman always sounds bad and Laney sounds cheap because it is, Acus is the closest you get to Schertler but then you should rather buy the real thing.

  • These amps seemed like it really didn't which one they played plugged-in to me, it was the acoustic electric that was the tone/sound. Me, I get away from being tethered by the instrument cord, wireless system, that way I still have the advantages of being unplugged with the volume of plugged-in. Are these considered closed back amps ? I use an electric guitar open back on the clean setting. Pyle PVAMP60 with OD & Reverb on the clean channel, guitar is an Ovation Applause AE128.

  • I guess it's interesting to know what models were introduced or upgraded in a particular year (2019, in this case), but really, all anyone cares about is: "What is the best acoustic amp I can buy right now, given the amount of money I have to spend?" I'm certainly not interested in the worst or second-worst amps introduced in 2019.

  • I have an Acus 18T and a Marshall AS50D. The Marshall is great for the money but the Acus is incredible. It so perfectly amplifies my Taylor it's easy to forget it's there. I tried AER60, Laney and actually bought a Fishman Loudbox (as I couldn't try it locally and had to send it back) but they all sounded bland and wolly compared with the Acus. Customer service is a worry but the amp is amazing.

  • The sound of acoustic guitar that i like the most is the laney, that full low end, with full range mids and trebles of pure acoustic guitar sound, its cool.

  • Valeria says at the beginning that she plugs in her mic in the amp, so why didn't they test her voice through the amps ?

  • If you know can you please share as to how these top 5 compare to the two Marshall’s AS100D an the. AS50D Please… A can you please share as to what DBA/SPL Meter you are using, I really like the Large display. Greg

  • Would like to hear which you prefer and also have you tried the Boss Acoustic Singer amps? Very likable presenters by the way.


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