Saturday, February 22, 2025

25 thoughts on “Acoustic Guitar Review – Lowden Pierre Bensusan Signature Model Review

  • I came because I wanted to know what sets this apart from the other F models….you told me Thanks I am off to buy one

  • This outstanding demo made me buy this guitar used, just a year old and barely played, from an eBay seller from whom I got a McIlroy A25 cutaway back in April. The Lowden compares in every way with this demo and is fabulous. Same "sound family" as the McIlroy, but with more bass, greater sense of depth. Both are GREAT instruments!

  • McElroy guitars, made in Ireland also have a great sound. But this one by Lowden is amazing. But sadly, few can afford it.

    Still putting this guitar in the hands of a player like Bensusan is a service to beauty in the world.

  • Exquisite-looking and -sounding guitar – as it should be for that price. Hope they let you keep it as recompense for the review 🙂

  • I now know what guitar I aspire to ….. can't afford it just yet … but thanks! 🙂

  • Sit and watch someone play guitar better than you ever will on a better guitar than you'll ever own. 🙂

  • An interesting and informative review, but Pierre Bensusan is French, and to hear his name pronounced "Ben-Susan" REALLY grates on the ear. His name is correctly pronounced Bon-souson, with both 'n''s silent and (I believe) the emphasis on the final syllable (As in 'Alain Delon').

  • This guitar is sublime. If it were not for the pulverising price, I would own this sonic work of art. Doug, you do the guitar justice with your fluidity of sound.

  • Great playing which helps to show the guitars features. Lowden makes great guitars and this is no exception. Thanks

  • you are quite possibly the only reviewer who knows what he's talking about and who can play incredibly well.

  • I just have to play one of these some day! It sounds so sweet! Great demo, Doug!
    (Cue Zephyr from the AGF)


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