Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Acoustic Guitar Strings Comparison/Shootout | Elixir/D’Addario/Ernie Ball/Martin/John Pearse

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6 string sets / Phosphor Bronze / Custom Light gauge
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#AcousticGuitar #Shootout #GuitarStrings

0:00 Intro
0:21 Single Notes
1:20 Finger Style
2:30 Arpeggiated Chords
3:27 Strumming

#Acoustic #Guitar #Strings #ComparisonShootout #ElixirDAddarioErnie #BallMartinJohn #Pearse

Originally posted by UCwPYj8u5GMrsYrLpo0-_vrg at

37 thoughts on “Acoustic Guitar Strings Comparison/Shootout | Elixir/D’Addario/Ernie Ball/Martin/John Pearse

  • Thanks for the review! What strings would you recommend for too bright guitar to remove the brightness and make the sound deeper?
    Preferably coated strings

  • Kind of strange, because I think people hear what they want to hear, especially if they can see what they're hearing. Now a smart alec, but I actually worked in a guitar string factory. And this factory made strings for many different brands, and while I won't mention brands and or names, I will say this, sometimes we would wind wire on the same core that other brands were using, and then later on down the production line we would pull that wire and two sets a various gauges as you see in your music stars. Now the thing about this is, a lot of times we're pulling the same wires, and the only difference between the wires was the packaging. In other words it would be the same wires or the same strings, but they were going in different packages for the different brands. But essentially they were the same strings, and the only difference was the Brand packaging. There just aren't that many different string manufacturers. There are many different kinds of strings. But believe me when I tell you, there are only just a handful of string manufacturers in the United States. I'm sure all of you have seen the strings with the colored ball ends on them, well guess what, the only difference between those strings, and the strings of a different brand, are the colored string balls at the end of the strings. So that's why I say when someone sees a picture or a package, I think that their mind tricks them into thinking does the string sound different, when I actually they can be the very same strings have another brand in a different package, with no difference in the winding core or wire. The bottom line is you buy what you like, and everyone has the freedom to do so. I just thought that I would shed a little light, of Truth on the matter. There's one last thing that I will add, don't think that just because a string is more expensive, that they are a better quality string. Still the same thing, same wire, coated and or not, different Brand packaging, with a more expensive price. Just a bit of marketing trickery. Everyone out there keep playing, does music makes the world go round.

  • I'm partial to the Elixir's and D'ddario's. Love the comparison. Exactly what I was looking for. Wondering what the difference in feel is like.

  • Damn I had the Earthwood first then Martin second. Really surprised. I’ll have to grab a pair.

  • D'Addario sounds like crap. Dead. I did a blind test. Could pick out that dead boring sound right away,

  • I'd say elixir maybe had the best tone for me… or d'dario fancier one. But they all sounded pretty much the same. The kind of thing you'd never notice in a music video. So… maybe it's more about personal perception and price. And lifespan, obviously

  • Well the Nanowebs sounded the dullest. Both Daddario sets sounded too bright for my taste, the John Pearce set kinda lifeless.
    The Earthwood set sounded incredible, full, open and airy with great presence. The Martins were a close second.

  • Not much in it, John Pearse were my favourite out of those, the only ones I didn’t like were the D addario X

  • Elixir sounds really good in comparision (use them because my toxic fingers of death) but John Pearse strings…wow! btw, awesome video

  • Martin's and earthwoods were really close…. The properly coated strings were brighter and had this sort of shimmer thing going… The XS didn't really have that veiled thing that the elixirs do… But they're also not as warm. The Jim Pierce was pretty balanced but didn't feel quite as rich as the martins or the Earthwoods… But could be as good or better depending on the guitar.

    Of these I think I would either go with the martins… You get some longevity and no hit on tone… Though treated not coded…. Or I think I would probably take the elixirs… The XS are really clear, have some base but they feel warmtg-lite and a little too shimmery… Almost makes the Martin sound like a taylor. So I'm going to go with the Martin's

  • To my ears, Martin were the best – also, they’re treated not coated. That’s the reason why I really dislike Elixirs – lifeless, IMO.

  • On my D-28 I use John Pearce 80/20 medium strings. It takes about 2 weeks to settle in, they are to brite at first. On some of my other guitars I use elixirs bronze phosphor. It really matters what sound and the guitar what strings you use.

  • The Martin, EB and Pearse had a lovely natural balanced tone for me. The others can be either too bright or bottom end is more than top end.

  • Every string is great as it at the end come down to guitarist preferences but Elixes does sound complete in every section

  • ????????????????????????
    -1 Martin
    -2 J.P.
    -3 D'addario EJ26
    For me????????‍♂️…

  • Nice demo! You should have also included D'Addario XTs, the brighter version of XS's

  • Been using ernie balls forever but the last set only lasted a few weeks b4 they were completely worn out


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