Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

Advanced Guitar Bending Exercises

Advanced Guitar Bending Exercises

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In this lesson I show you 3 advanced guitar bending exercises that will instantly add new and exciting flavors to your guitar solos.

Bending the strings is one of the most fundamental aspects of lead guitar playing, and it’s vital to really master this technique if you want to sound like a true guitar wizard! If you need a refresher on the best way to play bends, check out these other videos on our channel:

Guitar Bending Exercises:

Guitar Bending – How To String Bend On The Guitar:

If you have hit a wall with your improvisation and guitar solo playing, try out these bending exercises and plug them straight into your own guitar solos 🙂

Remember, above all, put in a little time to get your bends in tune, you will be sounding just like a pro in no time!


Owen Vickers
Guitar Mastery Method

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#Advanced #Guitar #Bending #Exercises

Originally posted by UCZ-be6RDs0fULHUfkMTmRkg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAbmAy-7vBY

3 thoughts on “Advanced Guitar Bending Exercises

  • Thanks Owen! I'll be practicing my bends while soloing in any key across the fretboard.

  • Thank you Owen. Question: Although bending requires a bit of effort, as for me, I have to push up or on the strings way too far to go up one whole step. Does the guitar setup and the adjustment of the intonation play any part in making the whole step bend happen without ( just to say) pushing the string off the fretboard? Watching you bend the strings, it appears the whole step bend happens sooner. Thanks, You guys rock!


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