Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

Advanced Jazz Guitar Lesson: The Major Scale: Chord and Scale Fingering Systems | David Cohen

David’s Class: http://mikesclass.es/majorscalechordscalefingeringsystems
David’s Jazz Master Page: http://mikesclass.es/davidcohen

Excerpt from David Cohen’s advanced jazz guitar lesson 9.22.09 on www.mikesmasterclasses.com (available for download). In this master class aimed at the beginning-intermediate jazz guitarist, a wealth of information is presented that will allow one to visualize the major scale and the chords that belong to it across the entire neck of the guitar. Not only will you be able to see exactly how a great number of chords, voicings, and extensions come from the scale in a visual way, but an exhaustive number of fingering options will be discussed including: 1. Position playing, which pertains to the idea of Mode Zones – where the first finger dictates one of 7 “Mode Zones” that a player can be in. 2. 3 notes-per-string (3 NPS) concepts. 3. Sliding scales, which are patterns that repeat on 2 string groups. 4. Full range scales – fingerings which traverse the entire guitar neck. 5. 1-string, 2-string, and 3-string playing. Also included is a discussion on triads that come from the scale, triad pairs, and “triad triples” which allow for harmonizing the scale in a simple way on 3-string sets. There will be some explanation of the music theory related to the scale, but the emphasis is on getting the scale, chords, and licks into your fingers. As a result of this video, you will have a much better handle on this scale which is so important in music, along with a foundation to learn other scales.

#Advanced #Jazz #Guitar #Lesson #Major #Scale #Chord #Scale #Fingering #Systems #David #Cohen

Originally posted by UCEqKfqONR-YeIYjuxIiAIoA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1w0QBm8vZ8

One thought on “Advanced Jazz Guitar Lesson: The Major Scale: Chord and Scale Fingering Systems | David Cohen

  • the title is misleading – the class is on the major scale and all seven of the modes associated with it. ii V licks are also presented. There's a need to understand the major scale before you can move on to others.


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