Monday, March 31, 2025

Aguilar amPlug3 Tone Hammer Review – A tiny but functional and full featured headphone amp

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#Aguilar #amPlug3 #Tone #Hammer #Review #tiny #functional #full #featured #headphone #amp

Originally posted by UCe4luF47wncXwjjqshdDJKw at

23 thoughts on “Aguilar amPlug3 Tone Hammer Review – A tiny but functional and full featured headphone amp

  • With high quality headphones, why did all of your tones sounded like mud. As for the AAA vs AA battery thing, they made the correct choice. AAs are not only larger, they're heavier and you don't want even more weight pulling on a fragile plastic plug. AAAs are easy to find. Even better, get a set of Eneloops. I haven't purchased a disposable AA or AAA battery in decades.

  • How is the noise floor of the Aguilar headphone amp? I had once used Amplug 2 for a while but gave up using because of its irritating noise floor.

  • I have NUX GP1. Ok, ok, it's for guitar. Almost no bass. But save me a lot during trips. Here in Brasil it's 4x more expensive to have one of these.

  • Is there a reason to use this if you already have a zoom b1 four? I know the zoom is bigger, but both are wayyyy smaller than a bass, which you will need to have enough room for if you want to play bass.

  • I don't need this. I don't need this. I don't need this. I already have a Scarlett 2i2 and Amplitube 5 Max. I already have a Vox AmPlug 2 Bass. I already have a perfectly good bass amp (if a bit small since it's a Rumble 40).

    I still want this.

  • Great video! Love your stuff and your vibe man, i hope you are doing well!
    I am interested in your rock opera for quite some time! Is there a video recording that i could buy to support your work and then watch the thing with my wife? 🙂 as we live i autria we will probably not see the show live anytime soon :/

  • Can these be used with the Vox SuperBeetle Audio, Bluetooth speaker, like you can with the Vox amPlugs?

  • "Welcome to Idaho Falls, Idaho"
    …I mean at least it's not Sandpoint.
    Anyway, cool to hear the AmPlugs have come so far since their first introduction. I remember them originally being a half tier above e-waste. This sounds quite nice.

  • I had one of these years back, a vox. Looks very similar. The audio is not great, but it works. Unfortunately I got it so I could practice wail I was on a trip. It broke within a few days of being in a bag. They are not made to be durable at all, despite it being the perfect option for travel. I just don't think there worth the money. But two thumbs up to Amp and Deep Love

  • I have a Joyo one and loved it since got it out of the package for the same reason… practice amp done right.

  • I wish they'd make one of these that was rechargeable. I hate having to deal with changing out batteries. I think a small practice amp is still more convenient for the average bedroom player like me.

  • ???? Hi Taco!

    I have an oldish plain jane bass AmPlug and use it for similar situations…no lil pouch for it and despite the kinda cheesey cheap feeling construction it's survived just fine being tossed around in a gig bag wrapped in cheap earbuds for a couple years. If/when it ever kicks the bucket I'd definitely consider replacing it with this one.

  • MUCH cleaner than my Vox amplug 2. That one has most of the same features, but adds static even a low levels. Love the overdrive too. Nice little thing. Thanks for the demo and review.

    Regarding batteries. AA are heavier. My amplug 2 is too easy to pull out of my bass. I wonder if they went cheap because of weight.


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