Tuesday, March 4, 2025

All you NEED From an Acoustic Preamp – Radial Tonebone PZ Deluxe

In this one I’m talking about acoustic preamps.

The main function of a preamp is to take a weak analog signal like a pickup and boost it so it can be further processed. Some preamps can do lots more than just boost a signal though.

This is the Radial Tonebone PZ Deluxe and I think it has everything you need from a preamp. It might not have as many bells and whistles as some newer preamps but it has all the essentials in a compact, well built package.

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#Acoustic #Preamp #Radial #Tonebone #Deluxe

Originally posted by UCdFcGXpNJqUixM4Xaq9vwLg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruvzjaFDmi4

19 thoughts on “All you NEED From an Acoustic Preamp – Radial Tonebone PZ Deluxe

  • Hey great content! I'm wondering what's that tune you played at 1:24? It sounds really awesome and I am really interested in learning how to play that section. Keep up with the quality work!

  • Hello there again, my amp (ACUS FERDI 8) does not have a headphone output. Can I try to circumnavigate it by connecting “something: to my DirectOut on my amp? Thank you.

  • Fabian hello- I have a D18 with a K&K pure mini. I plug it into an ACUS amp but I think I need a pre-amp… it sounds a bit muddy. What (simple) pre-amp you think I need for my gear? Thank you.

  • While not "needed", it truly does make a huge difference giving any number of factors. I am considering adding one to my acoustic setup. Great video.

  • Where do you place this pedal in your chain? Before the other pedals or after? Especially if you use the DI out. I would assume the dry guitar sound would go through the house and monitors if you did it first. I would like for reverbs and delays to go through the house too. Thanks

  • I have been using the Tonebone for years. I have a spare always handy. I know ill never need it, these things are tanks.

  • Love the part where you use the volume pedal. That helped to solve a bit of my problem. I use an AER 60 watt amplifier where i link my pedal board to the guitar input and then use the microphone input for my natural sound. Then a condenser mic to the mixer board. In that way i am in control of my guitar sound in a gig.

  • Thanks for the video.

    If I may, I would like to ask a question. I have an electric guitar with magnetic and piezo pickup. My problem is that the piezo pickup doesn't sound anything like an acoustic guitar through my electric guitar amp (the only amp I own) no matter what. The piezo has an it's own output jack on my guitar. So if I want I can run it to an acoustic amp but I was wondering if I use an acoustic preamp and plug it in my electric guitar amp, would it make a difference? Or do I have to invest in an acoustic amp instead?

    Any advice?

  • Hello, I want to buy a radial tonebone, but the source says it is 110v, and where I live here in Brazil the voltage is 220v. If I buy a 220v source, can I use it or is there any problem?

  • How you made this video that other channels play on this preamp and it sound crap, but on your video it sound like pro! maybe your guitar have couple of piezzo inside? which model of guitar you have?

  • Omg. That Piezo Button blasts like crazy. I´ll need that for my Taylor Baritone/K&K Setup. Nice Video.

  • Hallo Fabian,
    Very good Information for All guitarists. Because your guitarsound is very very good.
    Your Playing also amazing.
    Which pickup habe you in your lowden?


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