Friday, March 14, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps


#ampmodeler #axefx #neuraldsp
In this video, we rank some Amp Modelers!
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Originally posted by UC9PZIPt3hILHcs6iKWNudjw at


  • Got my self the axe fx 3 I used the helix for about 4 years . My personal opinion is that the fractal audio has the best sound and most importantly the feel that I’m looking for that’s close to a tube amp.

  • Nope, i have helix, tmp, but Quad Cortex just something else it is the best of both worlds, modeling + profiler

  • you forgot the Chinese, man.
    Mooer GE300 for example. You can do almost everything with it.
    Valeton GP200 offers crazy number of features with only 350 bucks.

  • I love my Kemper powered toaster amp and my Helix but if I could only choose one it would be the Kemper. Enjoyed your rankings!

  • How are you realistically putting these things in specific tears when you haven't even tried them?! HeadRush? Really?

  • I know this video is 11 months old, but if u had to revisit it. Where do u think you would rank the Fender tone master pro? I'm in the marker for a Amp modeler now. I'm stuck between the Helix, QC or the Fender.

  • Helix S? Soundwise it is now clearly surpassed. Its cab sims are really lacking against Fractal and Neural. Quad Cortex can load plugins now btw

  • For what it is, I think the positive grid spark is dare I say a perfect product. If you want something light and capable with built in speakers and effects, with all sorts of useful goodies at a reasonable price, it's pretty hard to beat

  • Comparing these as amp modelers solely, I think the ranking is wonky. Putting the QC in B because they dragged their feet on plug in compatibility seems irrelevant to its quality as an amp modeler. I love both the QC and the Helix. I have owned both, and love them both.

  • Thank you for doing this video, new to these and this was a great introduction to whats out there

  • Alright, after returning to this video, having the tonex and just got the tonex one along with the quad cortex. Both tonex and quad cortex I’d have to say, easily the S tier (The tonex one is insane. It lacks no compromise besides not having a midi port. I wouldn’t even need the tonex if the tonex one had midi output by itself, so having both together is amazing). So after using tonex and IKM dedicated to updates (along with quad cortex updates, better late than never) are my S tier for all arounders.

  • I think alot more people would be on board with Fractal if their marketing didn't suck ass. I own a Axe FX III, which I freaking love. Though if I'm being honest, the unit should come with a 3 hr plus training video of how to use it. The learning curve is so bad most people sell them cause they're tired of not getting the sound it's capable of.

  • This is insane Everything you said about the helix the fractal does and it does it way better You can easy save a block or snap shot in 3 differnt ways. Seemless switching from scenes or presets the editing is way better you have more options and the amp ls sound the best usually people think the fractal sounds better then the real amps. The one thing you said was price. You can get a fm3 for 900 dollars and since the last update. They are just as powerful as the axe effects or the fm9. They just don’t have dual amps but unless you’re playing in front of 30 k a night you don’t need dual amps

  • DUDE YOU Watch Sports !!!! Just mention whats going on in the hockey world to a musician and you can instantly see their eyes glaze over and their mind turns to escape routs.

  • Line 6 sounds like literal crap compared to Fractal lol. There is no possible world where the Helix gets ranked higher than Fractal.

  • It's weird to have a tier list with gear you haven't even tried. I personally have owned multiple kempers, helix, hx stomp, and a boss gx-100. I kept the Boss, it's easily A tier.


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