Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

An honest / neutral / sceptical /critical /negative review of the Tonewood Amp

I suppose this is more of a neutral position on the Tonewood amp. I think the degree of positive review is directly proportional to the skill of the guitarist. I’m just an average skilled guitar player, and I outgrew the amp. HOWEVER, I think it is a good product.

#honest #neutral #sceptical #critical #negative #review #Tonewood #Amp

Originally posted by UCj0JXzw2AhQ4Ab8mqyXCLkQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASd911FqGNQ

10 thoughts on “An honest / neutral / sceptical /critical /negative review of the Tonewood Amp

  • I've also had mine for a few years, I got tired of it after a while, but got it out recently, and started dialing it back, so that the chorus and reverb that I like is subtle. They have a new, smaller version coming out, I received an email from them about it; rechargeable battery, free app, and an adjustment for curved backs, one of the problems with mine on a Taylor K22. Good job on the video.

  • Bought one for my parlour guitar & absolutely hated it. Display said ‘clipping’ all the time while effect was really low output. Maybe better on large body guitars where there is more room for the actuator to be placed without dampening effect of guitar bracing. Returned mine for refund.

  • How much better does the LL-TA sound, from this video I don't really like the sound of the Tonewood

  • Battery life is obnoxious…I sent it back and got my money refunded… this is false advertising all around, all these " sincere" reviews never mention battery life and that significant and extreme dilemma…buyer beware

  • Hi! I’m also a finger-style player who got a TW Amp for my Taylor 12-fret (parlor) & my Fender Paramount 12-fret (parlor). Thanks for your input on this TW amp.
    I play in my worship team at church & do fills & small leads, as well as chords, but sometimes my sound is very tin-ey, (how to spell?), & at other times it’s very full & rich. I roll off all the highs, boosting the lows on my Taylor, but still not really satisfied with the tone. Was thinking about changing out my Taylor’s pickups to Fishman. (Is that the name? ????). Afraid my ignorance is showing. I played only classical for decades, lol, converting to acoustic 6-string only in 2017. I do like the chorus effect on my TW…but mostly use the hall 1. Might look into the other one you mentioned. Yamaha? I’ll write it down when I listen again.

  • great review thanks – I have both and love how I can move the tonewood between my Taylor and Blueridge guitars. Loving the Yamaha too, but the action is a little high and brittle for me and wish the guitar were a little lighter. But with a little action work I know will be just right

  • Nice review, I appreciate it when people are willing to criticize a product that is mostly doted on. One thing tho, the auto wah is very fickle, you really need to have a quality volume + eq on ur instrument to get the most from that feature, otherwise you get that nasty feedback. Once you get it under control, it is a BEAUTIFUL effect for lead melody and solo.

  • If your playing with other people the effects will be more subtle and balance out because it will be slightly buried by other sounds. Great playing and at 3:12 you look like you would eat my liver. Freaking awesome. I want one. Great video dude.


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