Thursday, March 13, 2025

Andy Martin’s Top 5 Effects Pedals of 2024 | Tone Report

Andy Martin knows a thing or two about effects pedals and he’s chosen his five favorites from 2024, with a few special mentions. What were your favorite pedals of 2024?

Shop Andy’s favorite pedals on Reverb at

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#Andy #Martins #Top #Effects #Pedals #Tone #Report

Originally posted by UCHP-KQAJgXu4Wo2Xq4-eNow at

41 thoughts on “Andy Martin’s Top 5 Effects Pedals of 2024 | Tone Report

  • I need to do a deep dive on the Chroma Console, La Grotte and the Octa PSI, Happy Holidays Andy !

  • I've always wanted to play like… every Origin pedal…. but I am just not in their target demographic or whatever. 400 dollars for drive… it's just so much. SOO much. I had to use a big chunk of tax return to get hold of a Chroma Console. And they have everything on it and they cost the same as an Origin pedal.
    I won't even plug up into an Origin pedal at the store because I don't want to WANT the damn things more than I already do. They do such a good job so I understand that they need to be paid for that work. I'm not being mean… shit man… just so expensive. Sucks. Hate being poor. Lol

  • I like these Best of the Year videos, but they should be released no earlier than January 1st. What if a great pedal gets released on December 31st? If so, this video will be quickly redundant.

  • Some great choices… however, what really caught my attention was that black 335 style guitar. Is there a chance someone, anyone out there, could tell me the make/brand and model. It would be greatly appreciated. Happy Holidays!

  • 2024 was the year I sold off all my pedals and went with an HX stomp as my only pedal. Fits in side pocket of gig bag when not on desk acting as audio interface. Bliss.

  • Great Top 5 list Andy thank you!

    And a massive tip o' the hat for the Supergrass riffin!

    Good Yule!

  • @5:44 that Keeley PSI fuzz unit sounds more 'Jack White' then those Jack White sponsored units ! @RobertKeeleyTV

  • 15 years ago I was a kid watching Andy on PGS videos, recommending pedals and guitars. And now, i'm still getting some kick ass recommendation from you Andy. Thank you so much for sticking around and being such a driving force – I've learned a lot from you, my friends and I always joke how you're one of the top 5 guitarrists in the world. It's nice to go into a new year, knowing you'll be there as well. Thanks a lot, man!

  • Wow thanks man! those are some great sounding pedals. I'm going to grab the origin effects 55 and eventually some of the others. Great vid!!!!

  • The Benson Germanium Preamp is so sick it hurts, the design of that germanium-warmer diode in the circuit is subtly brilliant and it sounds fantastic. With that and a Chroma Console you’re basically done with a pedlaboard. (Tuner and compressor maybe notwithstanding?) and I completely missed the Keeley fuzz-shifter, my goodness that’s a must have for me! Snacks!

  • absolutely agree with #1 – the Deluxe 55 is the best pedal created during the last years. sounds incredible amazing ! congratulations to origin effects

  • Have a humongous helping of Merry Christmas! You have once again given us a fabulous year of excellent, prodigious and perspicacious in sight into many sounds.
    Cheers/ Slainte and God speed.
    Roctor ????????‍⚕️????✌️♾️????????????????????????????️????????


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