Monday, March 3, 2025
Best Guitar Solos & Performances

Are GOOD guitarists POOR musicians? The crisis of classical guitar w/ @brandonacker

Today I have a chat with Brandon Acker, a classical guitarist and expert in early plucked instruments.

He’s probably the most trusted classical guitar content creator on YouTube with over 500K subs. Brandon and his wife created Arpeggiato, an online music school for plucked instrument enthusiasts. Additionally, Brandon’s classical guitar online course, has attracted over 1100 students globally, showcasing his dedication to musical education and performance.

In this episode we’re talking about:
– the challenges of social media and YouTube as a musician
– online vs in person music lessons and online courses
– the goal of technique
– the fundamental problems of classical guitar

Connect with Brandon: @brandonacker
His online school:
His online courses:

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0:00 Intro
1:26 The start of Brandon’s channel
14:07 The place of educational content
24:55 Brandon’s channel’s future
29:06 discussion of beginner lessons and cheesy pieces
37:47 are good guitarists good musicians?
52:36 how to start improvising
1:03:03 discussion on online lessons, courses and live lessons
1:15:13 Brandon’s advice

#GOOD #guitarists #POOR #musicians #crisis #classical #guitar #brandonacker

Originally posted by UCfcPwjQdR6wdq0SAXe3nWdQ at

20 thoughts on “Are GOOD guitarists POOR musicians? The crisis of classical guitar w/ @brandonacker

  • "classical guitar" In crisis?
    Perhaps, If so ?
    The classical guitar is in it's "gate kept" dark littlie corner.
    Because it's over arching or pervasive entitled attitude of it's participants; and some of it's fandom, have painted them into.
    So with one genre of music, Yes multiple flavors but still one genre.
    Generally solo; sitting on one position.
    The guitar held in one position.
    The audience must remain silent while the artist plays,
    And that's okay, interesting and this music can completely engross one.
    But fun and exciting it's not.
    But when a genre of music becomes like a religion I'm out.

  • But playing with nails has a mechanical advantages, the string slides easier and vibrates more perpendicular to the board than with just fingers, so it sounds more with less effort. So, is not that you will not be able to play anything, but you are already in some disadvantage.

  • This is so good to hear Brandon and Beatrix. I’ve been attending guitar weekends and summer schools for very many years. It’s always the same. The music is right at or beyond the capability of the majority. It’s a struggle just to find the notes. Little musical development. Then I ran the Cambridge Guitar Weekend for 11 years. We ensured that the music was playable so that the tutors were able to develop the pieces musically. Some pupils complained in advance that the music was not challenging enough. But we told everyone in advance that the weekend was about musicality. It worked and some beautiful music was produced. In individual workshops we asked people to bring pieces in which they could play the notes, again so the tutor could develop their musicality. It worked.

  • I 've been playing guitar for 15 years , I 've learned by my self and played different genres of music , both of your channels have helped me learn a lot about classical guitar ,made me appreciate it more and more and kept me trying to evolve as a musician. I 've been having classical guitar lessons the last 5 months and I see my technique evolving everyday, I wouldnt be here today loving this instrument and wanting to get better if people like you two haven't been doing what you are doing.
    Thank you both for your work!

  • I left classical music because it's not a necessary trade in order to get by or thrive in the real world. Especially when classical music is sooo niche, and classical guitar being EVEN MORE NICHE. It's a "black pill" for sure but I still play for fun and enjoyment.

  • J'ai découvert Marcin, un guitariste incroyable qui a remis au goût du jour Beethoven, Paganini, Chopin…

  • Growing nails for a classical guitar is not just not practical. People have to live out side playing guitar,. so having long nails not on. It just gets in the way of your work and daily life. This is esp. true if you a man. Playing happy birthday on a guitar is easy but, its the snobbery and lack of will to play a "simple tune".

  • I think a lot of the problems they talked about are endemic to the classical world in general, regardless of the instrument. The thing about guitar is that there is a huge, complex rock, pop, and metal world out there that can compete with it very robustly. If the classical world becomes a Procrustean bed for guitar, it can hemorrhage players who don't have to give up the instrument entirely. If you are sick of the attitude but you play oboe or french horn, it's a bit harder to find another community. The classical guitar world had better straighten itself out — and I think these two youngsters are doing exactly that.

  • I agree that there is an issue here regarding musicality
    How do we fix it – Should it impossible to achieve full marks in an exam just by playing the notes accurately without finding your own musical voice
    Or should there be a requirement to create your own arrangement for a chord melody or your own composition right from the earliest grades?

  • I have watched Brandon's and Beatrrix's videos; both of their content is fantastic. There are so many similarly amazing instructors of classical guitar on the internet. It's actually hard to choose. I cannot believe that all of this conent exists. I am mostly self taught, at a time when this content was not available. Right now, I subscribe to Tonebase and have found that it is not the right fit. I think the next stop may be Areggito, Not sure yet. So much amazing stuff.

  • it is interesting to me learning about the struggle in improvisation for classical guitarist, perhaps the great pieces they play made them too conscious about what to do next or perhaps they got used to just read and play great pieces . I´ve seen people that know only 5 chords and improvise cause they just let themselves go with the music, you just have to go where it leads you to express a feeling . like letting you soul wander around.

  • over engineering happens across the spectrum of life ..Ballet is commonly glorifying extremes of physical ability instead of the beauty of movement and the old school, know this

  • nice conversations in sharing of idias it lerns me more valuse and morals ????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • Reminds me of a college student trying to convince a self taught ceo of a major company the value of a degree. Billy strings begs a differ. Great music transcends conceptual knowledge. One is not contingent on the other!

  • One rock guy hired classical musicians to add some strings to his music and he was surprised they couldn't come up with their own parts so he had to write their parts. And those were some old musicians. Imagine a lifetime where you were a musician and never came up with anything. And when I wanted to play guitar I wanted to make up my own music from the beginning. How different people can be.

  • im gonna finish the cleaning of my house, feeding my dogs, take a shower, prepare some food and sit to watch this whole discussion.????


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