Sunday, March 9, 2025

48 thoughts on “Are You Just WINGING the PARADISE CITY Intro? I was.

  • Wait, I'm a few min in, why isnt anybody doing the hammer on pull off fill at the end???

  • Hey Mike – thanks for posting this. One (of many) thing I struggle with is arpeggiated picking. There are a lot of tabs, but I want to say that I really appreciate you showing where you do the up and downstrokes. It's easy to get locked into an incorrect picking pattern which I am now learning I have done for quite some time. Not just this song, but several others. Changing a habit can be harder than learning the song originally.

  • "I'm hopefully getting a pretty similar tone" – in my humble opinion id have to say you absolutely nailed it.

  • Man you really look like Vanessa Carlton, could you teach a thousand miles? I know it's a piano song but if anyone could transpose it for guitar it's you Mike ????

  • Yeah cant ignore the little ringaling at the end ! I find it hard to believe you didnt pick that up as youre a good guitar player

  • Yup! Been playing it wrong all my life… I love that sweet home AL. feel thing as well! Great Video! Thank you!

  • One of the best intros, it’s so powerful played near the bridge. I always struggled a lot with the right hand, I must find a good pattern for my technique

  • You should've launched into the main riff at least once in this video. Right at the end would've been nice.

  • I’m a 25 year amateur. Basically just play barre chords for fun and some easy blues lead. But serious question. If you downtime a guitar into E flat and use the G chord spot isn’t that a F sharp? I grabbed my guitar to play along and instantly heard my G wasn’t the right chord. And realized that “G Chord” in the begging actually is F sharp. No? Maybe I’ll have to Relisten but I swear he calls it a G chord. Does G chord literally just refer to the shape? I didn’t think it did. Maybe I’ve been wrong all this time. lol.

  • Is it me, or are the tabs in the video upside down? I have no idea what the correct notation is now and I felt very confused when I saw it for the first time.

  • The problem is all those licks are "invented" during some random noodling on the guitar. EVH probably would play it his own way and the same goes with Page or any other rock star. IMO Slash does it subconsciously so it is not easy go into his skill

  • Can you please do a video on Life is Beautiful by Sixx A M please it has a lot of hidden details

  • Idk if you still make them, but your artist series videos were what REALLY REALLY helped me get my guitar skills down, I would absolutely love as am sure many others would if you could do a Gary Moore artist series. It’s criminal how underrated he is

  • This guy is an excellent guitar teacher. Seen him around for years. I love people that try to learn it properly

  • Love your teaching videos! Could you drop the deets on that after-market string tree? I’d love to stop carving into the g and d string nut slots on my les Paul.

  • Capt. Kirk sings this at karaoke, but changes it to "where the girls are green and the grass is pretty"

  • I base my version on his Ritz '88 performance. And it's a feel thing that makes a lot of covers sound wrong. I just don't hear that many notes in either the Ritz version or Studio and if you overcomplicate, it sounds too busy.

  • I absolutely love the way you break these things down and explain them. I have so many of your vids saved for reference. Great teacher!

  • This is is one of the first couple of riffs I ever learned and mastered every fking note of it. I spent a lot of time as a beginner on it but wows from my colleagues made it 420% worth it.

  • Idea #2 is right but wrongly understood!

    The picking pattern is a metronome, not a motif. That is why he hits the downstroke on high E. All the time he is keeping time with it. If you do ghost strokes for the gaps you will understand. Also this helps deal with the Skynyrd riff when you just time the hammers in between. I realized the metronome bit when I struggled to nail the timing when trying this video!

    Og course Slash might play whatever now but in his 20s when recording Appetite, this technique would really help keep it clean.

    @theartofguitar Paradise City is a song I always played ever since starting to learn guitar but never bothered to master… So we are in the same boat. Really enjoyed the vid and it made me pick up the guitar. Thanks!

  • the thing is that the artists themselves rarely play like they did in the studio, they just wing it and play it like they want to

  • I love these deep dive analysis videos. I spend way too many hours analyzing riffs like this in my spare time. I'm fun at parties!


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