Ashdown Retroglide 800 watt lightweight Bass Amp Head Demo
Before you click play please make sure you listen using headphones or quality speakers…..
Hand built in England the Retroglide 800 adds to the Ashdown Custom Shop offering,
The Retroglide 800 produces absolute fidelity, clarity, precision tone shaping and masses of power for stunning dynamics. All in a stunning 2.9kg head.
Check out Ashdown artist Mike Prince take the Retroglide 800 through its paces…
Recorded using, ABM-410H cabinet mic’d using a cardioid condenser off axis with a blend of on board Di.
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#Ashdown #Retroglide #watt #lightweight #Bass #Amp #Demo
Originally posted by UCDR7U1tBeQMGBToik9RsfDw at
I love the concept of this amp! I use a 2 Notes Le Bass preamp to get that tube grit, warmth, and sag (bass -> preamp pedal -> amp input). How well does the RG respond to effect pedals?
Impresionantisimo, wow que amp. Sin palabras
Fell asleep watching the vid …
the last setting he used sounded awesome! ????????????
What bass is that?
Very good Sound !
No plectrum. Again!
<If it had a second speaker out it'd be on my list> SCRATCH THAT! The single output would make it handy for me right now. Power's a little on the high side though. Would be screwed if I turned up to a gig and the supplied cab couldn't take the high power.
Great demo!
Thank you for actually adjusting the EQ and showcasing the versatility of the amp with different playing styles.
Nice sound quality too.
And some tasty playing.
This is the best demo I have seen of the Retroglide.
Nice harmonics Mike
Nice! Mike does the amp justice here. Sounds great.