Autumn Leaves – Beautiful Chord Melody For Jazz Beginners ????
One of the most fun things to play is chord melody. The fact that you can take a song and play it on guitar as if you are an entire orchestra is pretty amazing, but it doesn’t have to be difficult and here’s how you get started!
How Chord Melody Will Help You Master Important Skills
An Amazing Exercise For Jazz Chords (And Your Playing In General)
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00:00 The Guitar As An Orchestra
00:31 #1 The Right Foundation
02:09 #2 Jazz Is About Rhythm
03:03 #3 Fancy Jazz Tricks (but still easy)
06:30 #4 Advanced Chords
08:04 #5 Transposition and Reharmonization
09:49 Chord Melody From Any Song
10:02 Like the video? Check out my Patreon page!
My name is Jens Larsen, a Danish Jazz Guitarist and Educator. The videos on this channel will help you explore and enjoy Jazz. Some of them teach you how to play jazz guitar, but other videos focus on Music Theory, like Jazz Chords, or offer advice on practicing and learning Jazz on guitar or any other instrument.
The videos are mostly jazz guitar lessons, music theory, song analysis, and videos on jazz guitars.
Edited by Luciano Poli – Business Inquiries:
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#Autumn #Leaves #Beautiful #Chord #Melody #Jazz #Beginners
Originally posted by UCqepSCHTyWj4BzHxEEUNvlg at
What other songs would you like to see covered like this?
Here's my main strategy for creating chord melody arrangements:
Thanks Jens!
très intéressant merci Jens
hmm i just want the tabs for the full (i.e least boring) version lol
Excellent video and lesson, Jens. I am getting back into guitar after a long time. Explanations like this really help a lot. Thank you!
I really liked the video, it was very informative and instructive. But I am very new to Jazz in general, and to be honest, the version where you reharmonized the chords appealed to me less than the other versions before. I want to learn to appreciate this music and craftsmanship, but I just haven't been diving very deeply into Jazz music, I do like most of the standards though. What can I do about this?
One of the things for me is weird from your skill and knowledge….your hands ,and thus fingers are so big I have small hands and short fingers and unfortunately after years of manual labour have fattened up and lost flexibilty……….. Any tips for small handed peeps
Thanks for the arrangement and thanks for playing on an ordinary guitar, it gives us mere mortals hope. Thanks again
Excellent as always
Love you Jens, you make the impossible possible. ????????
I just don’t like this version…he’s taking a soft romantic song that in its natural composition is soft and continuously flowing, but he tried to make it jazzy bouncy which takes away from its natural beauty. It’s a NO for me.
Anybody need clean glue for their hair system
finally something enough simple for me. greeting from chile
Thank you! ????????????????????????????
Thanks so much for the Autumn Leaves arragement!
Hi Jens, thank you for the beauty extension.
6:01 Moon Over Bourbon Street
That’s amazing. So eye-opening. Lots of practice and studying ahead haha. Thank you Jens !
Try this: Cm7 | F7 | Bbmaj7 | Fm7 Bb7 | Ebmaj9 | Ebm(maj9) Ab7 | Gm6 | D7 Db7 |
Who makes the guitar your playing
500,000 subscribers! Congrats. Are you going to make a special video as a celebration?
@5:17 I noticed something I have never thought of with respect to playing Chords and Melody: normally, when I just play just the melody, I stay in position. Jens is playing the melody notes in Proximity to the Shell Voicings! The Destination (the shell voiced chord) defines where the melody makes the most sense to play.
best way to start jazz standard song
Nice looking Epi .
Paul Davids ????????
Its incredible that these 10 minutes of video that will give me 10 years of practice. Thank you
Amazing lesson! Thank you, Maestro!
Thanks for sharing this great lesson and congrats on the 500 K subscribers.
I do chord melodies all the time! It’s my favorite thing to do on jazz guitar!
Jens, why does the Real Book have Autumn Leaves in E minor, but your in G minor????
excellent lesson!! Thank you
Thanks for..
muy bueno. gracias maestro
You are a very skilled, natural, and thoughtful teacher. Thank you for your time and effort.
The problem with your channel is that you publish a video per week, but I would need at least a month of hard work to digest it… ????Jokes aside, this video was amazing and full of interesting hints. I will definitely start practicing this stuff tonight. Thank you for the great material you publish!
I like your little note, that you don't have to analyse everything. If it feels good and you like what you play and hear, it's not necessary to analyse it.
So beautiful!!!
Danke Schoën!
There's a video of julian lage playing autumn leaves (from his interview with rick beato) that is absolutely amazing, and bill evans' version from portrait in jazz is my favourite jazz song, bar none. Check both out if you like this tune.
Cheers jens
Would it be possible to create a chord melody out of that new moon dial song from Patheny? Maybe I'm stretching too much here or it's too complicated. ????
Nice explanation. I always put the chords first and tried to find the melody notes inside the chords. This was getting frustrating. Thanks for that tip of melody first. It makes sense and sounds much better to play that way.
Thank you so much for this