Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Bad Cat Stella – Tone Match Gen2 Presets and Captures

Purchase the Bad Cat Stella presets and captures here: https://worshiptutorials.com/product/badkat-stellar-tone-match-gen2-presets-and-captures/

Tone Match Gen2 Presets and Captures based on a Bad Cat Stella amplifier.

The Stella is Bad Cat’s signature amp for James Duke, known for his playing on many popular praise and worship albums. Duke is known for playing Matchless Chieftains, but the Stella is not just Bad Cat’s take on the Chieftain – we think it sounds like a Chieftain mixed with the chime of an AC30. This is hands down one of the best sounding Bad Cat amps we’ve played.

We’ve captured and tone-matched the amp through a Bad Cat 1×12 cab loaded with their custom speaker using a Royer 121 and Earthworks SR25 through a stereo Neve 1073 preamp.

Table of contents:
00:00 – Line 6 Helix Demo
01:18 – TONEX Demo 1 (with a pedalboard)
02:49 – Quad Cortex Demo 1
04:04 – Fractal Axe-FX III Demo 1
05:03 – HX Stomp Demo
05:59 – TONEX Demo 2
07:05 – Quad Cortex Demo 2
08:31 – Fractal AXE-FX III Demo 2
09:46 – POD Go Demo
10:47 – About the Bad Cat Stella (and James Duke) & the presets and captures available


Download Pads and instantly elevate your worship sets: https://www.worshiptutorials.com/pads/

View our Helix Patches: https://worshiptutorials.com/helix/

Join our Facebook group for worship leaders and worship team members: https://www.facebook.com/groups/297108460822183/

Join our Facebook P&W Gear group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2113165795376666/


Our vision is that every church in the world would experience worship that is both excellent and authentic. We are here to help you make that happen.

CURRENT GEAR – stuff we use in (and to make) videos

Sony FX3: https://amzn.to/3TEa80p
Sony a74: https://amzn.to/3fWONBd

Acoustic Guitars:
McPherson Acoustics (Camrielle, Carbon Fiber Sable): https://mcphersonguitars.com
Martin D-35 // https://www.zzounds.com/a–3980936/item–MRT2018D35
Martin 000-28 // https://www.zzounds.com/a–3980936/item–MRT201800028
Taylor 414ce // https://www.zzounds.com/a–3980936/item–TAY414CERV
LR Baggs Anthem Pickup (in both) // https://www.zzounds.com/a–3980936/item–LRBANTHEM

G7th Performance Capos:

Amp modelers we make presets for:
Line 6 Helix // https://www.zzounds.com/a–3980936/item–LINHELIXFB
Line 6 HX Stomp // https://www.zzounds.com/a–3980936/item–LINHXSTOMP
Kemper // https://www.zzounds.com/a–3980936/item–KEMPROFILERSTAGE
Fractal Axe-FX III, FM3, FM9 // https://www.fractalaudio.com
Quad Cortex: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/QuadCortex–neural-dsp-quad-cortex-quad-core-digital-effects-modeler-profiler-floorboard

Recording Interface:
Universal Audio Apollo // https://www.zzounds.com/a–3980936/item–UADAPX8P

In-Ear Monitors:
Ultimate Ears: https://myinears.com


Web: http://www.worshiptutorials.com
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#Bad #Cat #Stella #Tone #Match #Gen2 #Presets #Captures

Originally posted by UCGnVb3zNM46mvKCUjFTUXGw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDwdilzIQLg

23 thoughts on “Bad Cat Stella – Tone Match Gen2 Presets and Captures

  • Love this tone – I'm going to get it! It's like an AC30 with better break up, without the harsh highs, more full low end but still has the chime… Seems to take pedals a little better too (to my ears).

  • How close would you say this is to a clubman? I think you’ve described that before as kind of between a chieftain and a c-30.

    Is this Bad Cat’s equivalent of the clubman?

  • Oh my god, I didn't know that this was the sound I was looking for, I'm going to have to acquire it soon because it sounds so good, greetings.

  • DANG IT guys…this capture is amazing, and sounds INCREDIBLE in stereo with your Benson Chimera. I was perfectly content running single amps with a standalone HX Stomp XL. This $20 patch is going to cost me who knows how much in building a pedalboard to cover the limitations of the Stomp XL's DSP. And now I'm going through all your pedalboard videos seeing what will best fill the gaps.

  • Sir, can you please make a guitar tutorial for a song Endless Hallelujah by Matt Redman? Thank you in advance. I hope you will notice my request. God bless you!

  • Hi Worship Tutorials!, Can I have a request songs?, the one in Phil Wickham's singalong 4 live, especially the Highest Praise and Thetered, Thank you! and Godbless you Guys in your Ministry!

  • What pick ups are in that Suhr tele? I was thinking about buying one and I was just curious what was in it and if it had the silent single close system.

  • Chest of Drawers! Well done, guys! Love All the Bright Lights and the 'Duke's'. This circuit is is similar to the Matchless King Cobra, and is the second channel (EF86) of the C30 but through 2xEL34's instead of 4xEL84's. These things rock in that combo.


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