Monday, March 24, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

BadCat Jet Black Guitar Amp demo ✩ Ibanez AZ2203N

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#BadCat #Jet #Black #Guitar #Amp #demo #Ibanez #AZ2203N

Originally posted by UCe2OJ09kz2MEl6k4nsCMP6Q at

20 thoughts on “BadCat Jet Black Guitar Amp demo ✩ Ibanez AZ2203N

  • That guitar is so nice, Tomo ????

    Can you maybe talk about fretting chords in a video? I have been playing for 30 years, even professionally, but sometimes I still find it hard to accurately fret certain chords and not flub some notes. Sometimes my fingers slip off certain strings while playing chords. I would like to be more accurate, more clean, and more precise when playing chords and switching between them. Perhaps in the future you might make a video with some pointers on how to develop accuracy in fretting notes and chords. Many thanks, Tomo, you’re a wonderful teacher ????????

  • Such an amazing tone! You go through all the effects and settings in just a few minutes. And seems so easy to do when u play Tomo. Thanks!

  • Very cool Amp demo! All. Kinds of guitar treats too!! Yes, that is a loud pure sound, strong backing. Seems to have that broad mid punch in an amplifier. I have tried everything with my L7 Amp with that 60hz noise except batteries, gonna try batteries eventually for fun. Or just buy a different Amp 🙂

  • Nice amp Tomo. What's your favorite from Two Rock or Amplified Nation? I'm not asking for buying advice. I'm curious about what you love playing through when you want the best clean tone. The amp that when you play it time slips away.
    Thank you, and take care

  • the backing track makes me think of George Benson… when he was doing breezing and…

  • When looking at the spec sheet, my eyes see Vox. When I listen to the video, I hear more Fender (maybe with a little more bite on the top end than a black face deluxe) Tomo, what are you hearing in the room?? Great video as always.

  • 本当に素晴らしいアンプですね。クリーンもクランチも最高です。トレモロのかかり具合もとても綺麗ですね。
    あと、トモさんのデモンストレイションで歪ペダルの音の違いがよくわかりました。Jan Ray for TFはクリーントーンと比べるとマイルドな感じに、TS808はミドルがふくよかな感じに、Dyna Redは倍音が出ていてより歪むように聴こえました。

  • Furman can help solve the noise issues. PL Plus C with the advanced power conditioning. Read so many reviews about people chasing noise problems and that solving their problems. Sounding great, Tomo! Question, do you own any Tokai guitars? Been looking that the gold top with P-90s recently and they look and sound amazing!

  • Tomo> I noticed electrical feedback in my house as well. I experimented with disconnecting my iPad and phone chargers from the sockets and it eliminated a lot of the hissing. Also, if you have tube lighting that can control inside the wall to your amplifier. Use bulb. Sweet stuff today. Thank you

  • Tomo> I noticed electrical feedback in my house as well. I experimented with disconnecting my iPad and phone chargers from the sockets and it eliminated a lot of the hissing. Also, if you have tube lighting that can control inside the wall to your amplifier. Use bulb.

  • You know, there used to be a tv show( also a movie) called The Dukes Of Hazzard. They use a lot of hillbilly music in the show. They had a Dodge Charger that was orange. It had the O1 number on the door. The doors were sealed. They had to get in and out of it by climbing in the windows. They raced that car. They named the General Lee after a famous confederate general. When they first got the car it was an ordinary Dodge Charger, no customization at all. It was just a Basic Lee , basically. Also how about a best cheap modeling amp.


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