Monday, March 3, 2025
BassBass Effects

Bass DI Pedals – MXR, Tech 21 Sansamp, and Darkglass: Who Makes The Best Bass Rig In A Box?

Today in Plague Scythe Studios, I set down the 6 and 8 strings for a journey through 4 and 5 string bass tones out of legendary (and slept-on) DI pedals!


Illatria is on Bandcamp:

Listen to Siderum:


00:00:00 – Intro

00:02:53 – What’s the deal with DI pedals?

00:07:23 – The Bass Sitch

00:11:16 – Today’s Pedal Lineup

00:33:01 – Shootout #1: No Cab Sims

00:41:43 – Shootout #2: Cab Sims ON

00:52:06 – Shootout #3: Clean Blending

00:58:39 – Shootout #4: Pedals as Pedal Platforms

01:07:14 – Shootout #5: Studio Tricks w/ Plugins and Biamping

01:15:37 – Should You Buy Any of These Pedals?

#Bass #Pedals #MXR #Tech #Sansamp #Darkglass #Bass #Rig #Box

Originally posted by UClOkMtbv2rsgI7p-607jApg at

15 thoughts on “Bass DI Pedals – MXR, Tech 21 Sansamp, and Darkglass: Who Makes The Best Bass Rig In A Box?

  • 23:20 this explanation of the Character knob on the VT Bass DI isn’t quite correct.

    The manual states:
    – Settings below 12 o’clock will give you the ‘70s powerhouse, the SVT.
    – Around 12 o’clock will introduce you to the studio staple, the flip top.
    – Above 12 o’clock increases the gain and crunch for less polite, modern rock, indie bass sounds.
    – Full up gives you distorted bass tones from Yes to Crimson to King’s X styles.

  • I have to slightly disagree with you, mate. I've owned the MXR DI for about 14 years now. It sounds GREAT with a clean fretless. Although you're right, I wouldn't buy it specifically to use for clean sounds with a fretless. However if you already own it, you should be plugging every bass you own into it. I like to run it first in my chain, have the main output run through the rest of the board, and the parallel output straight into the 2nd input on my audio interface. That way I've got a wet and dry signal recorded for custom blending and possibly reamping. Is it the best Bass DI out there? Nope. But is it fantastic for the money and does it hold up for at least 14 years? Yes!

  • Amazing video once again, especially the shout-out segments.

    Love my BDDi but also loved the other tones here, and each was definitely doing its own thing.

  • Hi Ryan, I saw your Illatria making-of series, and I wonder about what you did on bass; you triple-process the signal. My question is, how did you deal with the phase inversion on the crossovers? Did you strategically filter frequencies that you don't like/need, or aim for a specific frequency you knew you were going to cut anyways? I mix metal for a living, and I was very interested in your approach. PD: I DIG your Typhoon 8-string; I DIG ????????

  • BASS player here, THANKS A LOT MAN !!! The sound comparison is what I needed.
    Now I'm GASSIN for a tech 21 sans amp …… DAMMIT !!! Each boxes have their own sound too ….

  • Awsome and genuinely informative vid.

    If im allowed to be opinionated, honestly, with some exceptions (Type O and Acid bath), bass with distortion SUCKS. Heavy distortion smooths out transients and buries the low end which completely defeats the purpose of a bass instrument and makes all bands have that same clanky bass tone that plagues modern metal. I REALLY wish metal heads tried experimenting with other effects besides distortion to make the bass guitar standout sonically instead of treating it some afterthough whose only purpose is to "just cover the low-end lol."

  • I've had interest in the YYZ pedal for some time so this was a welcome surprise of a deep dive.

  • Always good to see your content, homie. I did a deep dive rabbit hole and watched your EQ and boost pedal videos (again) last night. I appreciate the SOAD riffs!

  • I played 7 string through an AMPEG BR2 and a 1×15 + 4×10 Amperg cabs. I got the SGT-DI and it sound pretty close!


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