Bass Lesson right hand technique #Shorts
Here is a mini bass lesson discussing the “Moveable Anchor” right hand technique. Use it to control your sound and stop open strings from ringing. #basslessons #guitarlessons #basslesson #basstechnique
#Bass #Lesson #hand #technique #Shorts
Originally posted by UCgOt4R12rCkLaDAYoEkJAAA at
Yes thank you!
My problem seems that i rest my arm on the body which gets my wrist into an angle whic i feel makes it hard to play fast octaves and stuff. Do you have anything on that? When i take my arm off and try to straighten my wrist i hit the string in a New angle which feels awkward and also my coördination is off because im not used to it. How should i approach thus problem ?
Time to get to work, got my first bass a few days ago
Thanks a lot! This is the way i play, but some dudes told me its wrong????
At least now i know am not the only one!
thank you so much for this!