Wednesday, March 12, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

Beatles “Blackbird” – Complete Acoustic Guitar Lesson

Chord sheet and tab for this lesson, plus awesome supporter perks available at

Hello and welcome back to Swiftlessons,
In this free video tutorial, Philadelphia guitar instructor Rob Swift breaks down The Beatles classic “Blackbird.” This tune, written by Paul McCartney, was originally featured on the bands 1968 double LP The White Album (available on vinyl:

There are only four unique movements that reoccur throughout this composition. The number of chords may seem overwhelming, but each is a simplified version of chords you may already know. At no point will you need more than two fingers on the fretboard. Chords and tabs are available at Let’s get started!

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#Beatles #Blackbird #Complete #Acoustic #Guitar #Lesson

Originally posted by UCjdxyPMmtiBLrmsM2Ok-AUg at–TQ3KMKBvw

38 thoughts on “Beatles “Blackbird” – Complete Acoustic Guitar Lesson

  • Well, it's not yessongs next for me, actually, just was learning 'rain song' from marty music, after seeing a lovely girl play it so well, and now, a song i've learned before and need learn again, so, on with the show good buddy!

  • Wow, what a brilliant lesson.
    I had learned parts of this tune years ago, but never really put the whole thing together, until now. Thank you so much.
    Keep up the good work.

  • Hey, love the tutorial, question, my pointer finger nail keeps getting caught up for the root down up part, any suggestions?

  • Thank you very much as always you’ve been a massive help ???? great video and great guy

  • Bro you nailed it!! One of the best covers I’ve ever seen and I’m getting stuck into your lesson… thanks!!

  • Puzzled at how many people play this so beautifully yet miss the change from A to D in the lower note on the bits like "moment" of "waiting for this moment"

  • Great lesson Rob! It really helped me out! Could someone tell me just the list of chords? Just to make sure I've got them all, thank you

  • A masterful performance and tutorial unlike others : very useful music theory given, difference between major and minor chords pointed out, great singing, wonderful economy of movement of the fretting hand, great time keeping. The most comprehensive tutorial for this song. So many others have no singing. This is the exception and most helpful. Hugely inspirational ! THANKS.????????✅❤️

  • This piece makes heavy demands on the fretting hand fingers. You’re mostly playing two note chords. To relieve my hand sometimes I play natural harmonics at the 12th fret which gives exactly the same frequency (Hz) as the12th fret fretted note. One gets a nice bright sparkling, resonant note from the b string! You can also use a natural harmonic for the G string. Gives this piece more tonal colours.????Hence the pinky finger gets pressure relief.????

  • Playing this song in its entirety at the beginning of your video is so useful for those learning to play its a great reference to go back to along the path to playing this thanks

  • Thanks sooo much! I had a day free during the holidays so I wanted to play one of my favourite Beatles songs on the guitar and with no prior experience with the guitar, the most being able to play the riff for smoke on the water very slowly. Found this tutorial, picked up my sister’s guitar and was able to play it after an hour or two. Amazing tutorial, thanks so much for getting me to love playing guitar. You really showed all those simply guitar ads that you can find amazing and helpful video tutorials on YouTube.

  • Absolutely superb tutorial, Rob! Beautiful play-through on guitar and vocals! This is by far the best tutorial for Blackbird on YouTube! I much appreciate that you include vocals in your lessons. It makes a such a difference, and, of course, you have a great voice.

  • Ok i Watched a couple other YT vids on BLACKBIRD. They were all 2nd rate compared to Rob. HE consistently shows the original chord progressions. He isnt the easiest but its correct. HE ALSO GIVES THE CHORD… not just shapes. It will all sink in over time
    What i cant get used to is keeping my middle finger extended to make the changes easier. Time should fix that. Any trick would be great.

    Thx Rob another classic

  • Haha way easier than the way I had been playing the verse. I was fretting all up and down the fret board instead of using that way easier diminished shape.

  • Ah, glory to God…there it is. My step son and I were trying to find a good a good run down on this because the Beatles book I bought doesn’t teach that funky back and fourth flick method that Paul is doing but you got it perfectly. Thank you very much. May God bless ypu.

  • Thank you so much, this tutorial helped me a lot!! But there is one thing i'm not 100% sure about:
    Before the coda, when you play the intro section, do you also play the verse then? Or is it just the intro sections and directly followed by the coda?
    Would be awesome if someone could answer me ^^


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