Thursday, September 19, 2024

Best Place to Sell Music Equipment & Selling Tips

When you’re looking for the best place to sell music equipment, it’s essential to understand your options to maximize your return and ensure a smooth transaction. 

Whether you’re offloading a cherished guitar or other musical instruments, you have several avenues to explore, from local music stores to online marketplaces and social media platforms. 

Each selling method comes with its own set of advantages and considerations, and this guide will help you navigate through them to find the most suitable option for your needs.

Best Place to Sell Music Equipment Options

When it comes to selling your guitar or any musical instrument, you have a variety of options: local stores, online marketplaces, and social media or community boards.

Local Music Stores: A Homey, Old-School Route

Ah, the nostalgic charm of a local, brick-and-mortar music store. Sure, it may not have the glitz and glamour of the internet, but selling your guitar here has its own unique advantages. Immediate cash offers, zero shipping hassles, plus you’re bolstering your local economy. Sounds like a win-win deal, right?

However, do bear in mind that your guitar’s price may take a slight hit due to the store’s need for resale profits. But don’t let this dampen your spirits! Building a rapport with local store owners could pave the way for enticing future deals and consignment opportunities.

Online Marketplace

A man browsing the internet for online markets to sell guitars or any music equipment.

With today’s technology, you can easily sell your guitar or any musical instrument online without even leaving your home. Here are some of the popular online platforms to sell your musical instruments.

Reverb: A Haven for Music Gear Enthusiasts

In search of a platform that speaks the language of music gear? Check out Reverb. This specialized online marketplace is a bustling hub of music lovers and offers solid seller protection.

However, there’s a bit of a downside – a 5% selling fee plus additional payment processing fees (Le, 2023). But, fear not! Reverb’s “Price Guide” and “Reverb Bump” features balance the scales by aiding you in setting competitive prices and boosting your listing visibility.

eBay: Your Gateway to a Global Audience

If you’re not faint-hearted and enjoy a bit of an adventure, eBay’s vast international audience can be quite appealing. With options for auction and fixed-price listings, it provides a diverse platform to showcase your guitar.

The hiccup? The site does charge higher fees compared to niche sites like Reverb. But don’t let that dissuade you! eBay’s “Completed Listings” feature offers valuable insights into past sales, providing crucial guidance for pricing your instrument.

Craigslist: Your Local Online Marketplace

If you’re more comfortable dealing with local buyers and wish to sidestep selling fees, Craigslist could be your go-to platform. However, tread with caution. The site provides less buyer protection and scams could be lurking in the shadows.

A word of advice – always opt for public meeting places and prefer cash transactions to ensure safety.

Facebook Marketplace: The Social Media Behemoth’s Offering

Facebook isn’t just about sharing memes and pictures of your adorable pets these days. With Facebook Marketplace, you can tap into local and regional buyers within a familiar environment. Just bear in mind, visibility here is governed by Facebook’s algorithms, so high-quality images and detailed descriptions are your best friends!

Social Media and Community Boards: Harness the Power of Your Network

A woman using her mobile phone as she is using her social media or forums to sell stuff online.

If you’re ready for some digital footwork, social media and community boards can offer direct engagement with potential buyers. Leverage your personal networks, smartly use hashtags, join relevant groups, and actively participate in discussions to boost visibility. Remember, this route requires a proactive approach and marketing efforts.

Maximizing Your Sale

How you can maximize your sale when selling your guitar or any musical instrument

Setting the Right Price

So, you’ve got a guitar to sell, but where do you start? By setting the right price, of course! Thorough research should be your first step. Check completed sales on platforms like eBay and Reverb to understand the market for comparable instruments. Also, consider the unique factors of your guitar.

Is it a vintage piece or fresh off the shelf? Are there any scratches, dents, or modifications you’ve added over the years? All these elements should be factored in when pricing your guitar. And hey, a little psychology in your pricing wouldn’t hurt. Ever noticed how $99 seems much more attractive than $100? That’s the magic of charm pricing!

Presentation is Key

Price set? Great! Now onto the presentation. Let’s face it, we all judge a book (or in this case, a guitar) by its cover. So, grab your camera and capture your guitar in all its magnificence. Clear, well-lit photos from multiple angles are crucial. Showcase every detail – the curves, the fretboard, the headstock.

But don’t just stop at pictures. Make your description as comprehensive as possible. Include the make, model, any accompanying accessories, and even the reason why you’re selling. If you’re looking to go the extra mile, consider a video demo. Nothing sells a guitar better than a video of it being played. It reassures buyers that your guitar doesn’t just look good, but sounds great too.

Closing the Sale

You’ve set the price, your guitar looks irresistible, now what? It’s time to seal the deal. Be prepared to answer any questions from interested buyers. And remember, negotiation is part of the process.

Shipping? Ensure it’s secure and reasonably priced. No one wants to pay a fortune to receive their new guitar. Be upfront about your return policy – transparency is key.

Finally, don’t forget to follow up after the sale. Ensure your buyer is satisfied. You never know, you might just earn some positive feedback or even repeat business.

Selling Your Gear: A Deep Dive into Online Platforms

A lady using a laptop to browse for the best place to sell music equipment via online.

Whatever the reason, selling your gear online can feel like venturing into uncharted territory. But fear not, music maestro! I’ve taken the liberty of exploring some of the most popular online platforms for you.

According to Fitzjohn (2019), Produce Hive, there are 4 popular platforms to sell your guitar online: Reverb, eBay, Craiglist, and Facebook.

1. Reverb: The Music Gear Specialist

Reverb is to music gear what Amazon is to, well, everything. This platform is a bustling marketplace teeming with musicians and gearheads.

Pros and Cons

Reverb’s strengths lie in its specialization and its seller protection. However, every rose has its thorn and in Reverb’s case, that’s the 5% selling fee plus payment processing fees

Insider Scoop

Here’s a sweet tip: make use of their “Price Guide” and “Reverb Bump” features to set competitive prices and give your listing the limelight it deserves. And don’t forget to jump on the bandwagon during site-wide sales and promotions for a potential sales surge.

2. eBay: For the International Exposure

If your guitar dreams of touring the world, eBay might be its ticket.

Pros and Cons

eBay offers a massive international audience and the option to go the auction or fixed-price route. However, the platform’s selling fees can strike a sour note and you’ll be competing in a global talent pool.

Insider Scoop

Here’s a chord to strike on eBay: use their “Completed Listings” feature to research past sales for pricing guidance. And remember, timing is the key to a successful auction-style listing – play it right and you could be serenading higher prices.

3. Craigslist: For the Local Buyers

If your gear prefers to stay close to home, Craigslist is your go-to local jam.

Pros and Cons

Craigslist lets you connect with local buyers directly, sans selling fees. However, the platform’s buyer protection leaves something to be desired and scams can be a real party pooper.

Insider Scoop

Let’s keep it safe, folks! Always meet in public places and opt for cash transactions. Also, honesty is the best policy when it comes to the condition of your item. Negotiation skills can be your saving grace here.

4. Facebook Marketplace: Your Social Media Solution

Facebook isn’t just for sharing cat videos and stalking exes, it’s also a viable platform for selling your gear.

Pros and Cons

Facebook Marketplace puts you in touch with local and regional buyers, and the integrated messaging system is a nice bonus. However, seller protection is a bit sketchy and your visibility is at the mercy of Facebook’s algorithms.

Insider Scoop

Pictures speak louder than words on Facebook Marketplace. High-quality images and detailed descriptions can make your listing sing. And just a friendly reminder, avoid agreeing to mail items or accepting sketchy payment methods.

Alternative Selling Strategies

In addition to posting your guitars on these online platforms, you can try these alternative selling strategies for better chances of selling your guitar.

1. Consignment Shops: A Viable Option?

Fancy letting the pros handle your sales? Consignment shops might be worth a look.

Pros and Cons

Consignment shops can expertly appraise your gear and their clientele often come with deep pockets. But remember, high fees and longer sales times could be the price of convenience.

Insider Tip

This selling strategy can hit the high notes for rare or vintage pieces. Just make sure to set clear terms for pricing, fees, and payout schedules before consigning.

2. Trade Shows & Expos: An Exciting Adventure?

If you love the thrill of live gigs, selling at trade shows and expos might be your jam.

Pros and Cons

These events put you in direct contact with your target audience and can lead to immediate sales. However, the associated costs can quickly add up, so be sure to budget wisely.

Insider Tip

Events like NAMM can be a great stage for high-quality gear. Engage with attendees through live demonstrations and remember, you’re selling an experience, not just gear!

3. Word of Mouth: Old School, but Gold?

Sometimes, the best marketing strategy is a satisfied customer.

Pros and Cons

Word of mouth is a trusted form of marketing that can lead to organic growth. However, you’ll have less control over the message and its reach can be unpredictable.

Insider Tip

Encourage your happy customers to share their positive experiences. Consider offering incentives for referrals. After all, who doesn’t love a good deal?

Navigating Legal Considerations

Let’s get down to brass tacks, folks. Selling your cherished guitar or musical equipment involves certain legalities we can’t ignore:

  • Copyrights: If you’re including any original music or recordings with the sale, ensure they are either fully licensed or owned by you. Remember our friend Joe who got hit with a hefty fine for overlooking this? Yeah, we want to avoid that.
  • Contracts: Check for any old warranties or service agreements linked to your guitar. Are there any hidden exclusivity clauses that could prevent a smooth sale? It’s better to be safe than sorry.
  • Liability: Draft a bill of sale that includes an “as is” clause. This can protect you against any post-sale disputes. You can’t predict the future, right?

Crunching the Numbers: Financial Considerations

Now that we’ve untangled the legal web, let’s talk dough. After all, you’re not selling your guitar for a song, are you?

  • Pricing: First stop: setting a fair price. You need to put on your detective hat and do some market research. Consider the condition of your equipment and its rarity. You don’t want to shortchange yourself or scare off potential buyers with an overpriced tag.
  • Payment Methods: Next, we’ll dive into payment methods. Safety first, folks! Stick to secure payment options and keep your eyes peeled for warning signs of a scam. Overpayments or complex financial arrangements could be red flags.
  • Taxes: Lastly, remember Uncle Sam. If you sell your equipment for more than you bought it for, you might need to pay capital gains tax. It’s a drag, but better safe than audited!

Steering Clear of Scams

Let’s wrap this up on a high note. Here are some tips to dodge scams and ensure your selling experience is as smooth as your guitar riffs.


Firstly, always authenticate the payment before you ship your equipment. It’s one small step for you, but one giant leap for scam prevention.


Keep all conversations within the platform’s messaging system. This way, there’s a record of each conversation, agreement, and transaction. Consider it your safety net.


Best Place to Sell Music Equipment: Do it locally and meet a buyer in person to avoid scam transactions.

And lastly, if you’re selling locally, always meet in a public place. Bring a buddy along for safety, and to share the thrill of the sale. After all, who doesn’t love a good guitar story?

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the best place to sell music equipment?

The best place to sell music equipment can vary depending on your needs. Online marketplaces like Reverb and eBay are popular for their wide reach, while local music stores and Craigslist are great for quick, direct sales.

How do I price my used music equipment?

Pricing should be based on the condition, brand, model, and current market demand. Check completed listings on platforms like Reverb or eBay to see what similar items have sold for.

What types of music equipment can I sell online?

You can sell a wide range of music equipment online, including instruments, amplifiers, recording gear, and accessories. Some platforms may have restrictions, so it’s best to check their guidelines.

How can I avoid scams when selling music equipment?

To avoid scams, use secure payment methods, keep communication within the platform’s messaging system, and, if meeting in person, do so in a public place and consider bringing a friend.

Are there any legal considerations when selling music equipment?

When selling music equipment, ensure that you have the right to sell the item and that it’s not subject to any outstanding contracts or liens. It’s also wise to provide a bill of sale for record-keeping


Finding the best place to sell music equipment depends on your specific needs and preferences. Whether you choose the nostalgic route of local music stores, the expansive reach of online marketplaces like Reverb and eBay, or the community feel of social media platforms, each option offers unique benefits and challenges. 

By understanding these options and following the tips provided, you can confidently navigate the selling process and achieve a successful sale. Remember, the best place to sell music equipment is the one that aligns with your goals and provides a seamless experience for both you and the buyer.

Originally posted by Alon Cooper at

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