Best PRS Guitars by PRICE (PRS Buyers Guide)
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PRS Paul Reed Smith Electric Guitar Buyers Guide by Series, Model, and Price
John reviews the electric guitars currently offered by PRS Guitars in Stevensville, MD USA. Models include the Custom, CE, Standard, McCarty and more, broken down by price and features.
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PRS SE Series
PRS S2 Series
PRS CE Bolt On Series
PRS Core Series
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Originally posted by UC9IULQ7EHJoserChf09I_4w at
This is first time someone explained what SE stands for, thank you ????
whats the different the cst24 vs the mira ?????????
I have the Paul’s guitar
Prs is one of my favorites qc is awesome play and sound wonderful
I’m thinking about buying a purple CE 22 . They want $1500 but not sure what it goes for new .
I love my PRS SE sunburst scored it for $450
Growing up, PRS guitars were being played by great musicians/bands that I looked up to. PRS guitars were also known (to me) to be unattainable because I couldn't afford them as a kid. Now as an adult "making money", now I'm looking into one lol
Im looking for the zach Myers semihollow. I dont hace any semihollow and i wal looking some epiphone also
I’ve got a se custom 24-8 and it’s truly an awesome guitar.
I am confused between the PRS SE CE 24 and the PRS SE CE Standard there any difference between these 2 models? Please let me know.
The S2 just switched to all American pickups this year 🙂
Miller Gary Martinez David Johnson Donald
I have an SE standard 24 I got it used in mint condition, I don't think it really got played, I only payed $299.00 and it came with a hard case. I sold a guitar to the pawn shop for $200 that I had $70 in, so I came out good.
Lost the point
Is it pronounced “veil-a” or is “vel-a”. I’m pretty sure it’s the latter
I love prs… mine are Santana and SE std 22 camo… never regret have these 2…
I’ve wanted a 513 since high school. I’m just gonna grab one. Fk it.
I think Paul is a seriously cool dude. I like the look and sound of his guitars and have tried quite a few but I have never bonded with any of them. Always been a Strat or Tele guy. Thought I might like the silver sky but didn't. It's weird as I think their amazing guitars but I just don't feel it when I play them.
I have a lefty SE Custom 24 in Black Gold Sunburst and a lefty SE Custom 24-08 in normal sunburst. I couldn’t be happier with them. They complement my Strat, Les Paul goldtop, and Gretsch White Falcon beautifully.
My next guitar will be probably the S2 Mc Carty thinline ;). But I want a SE Custom 24 Quilt too lol , I spent an hour in the shop playing this amazing gear
I sat down with a Gibson SG Std and a PRS SE Opeth Fredrik Akesson because I wanted the depth of tone a mahogany guitar could bring. No brainer: PRS had an incredible broad range tone and quality of build was excellent. I bought it. The only problem for me now is that it is a whale at 9 lbs. and is wrecking me. So, I'm here looking for an alternative for multiple genres.
So you have the Core Custom 24 for $3850?????
Definitely don’t like the body shape and style of PRS guitars. Stratocaster all the way man.
I bought a used 2001 Santana Se, I was lucky I got a good deal. First edition of the Sanatana Se, very well made, A keeper.
I want the se custom 24.
PRS guitars in my humble opinion suck so bad that I have stopped taking them in for setups and repairs at my shop. They are just cheap as they come. Finish, hardware, electronics, bridges, tuners, truss rod adjustments and truss rod covers. I hope I never see another one ever again. And don't go there because I have seen all models and all SUCK!!!!!!!!!! Sorry!
I got a PRS SE Custom 24 after wanting one for years. I bought it after quitting guitar for 8 years. But after trying other guitars, I realized that I didn't really like the SE Custom. It sounds so dark and muddy, and the neck is sticky. And I've tried other newer SE Customs. However, I played a S2 Standard and that was a really nice guitar. Even with old rusty strings it sounded and felt fantastic.
My daily driver is CE Custom 24 Blue Matteo flame top. Excellent tone and playability. Constantly generates attention and raves at most every gig I use it at. Also have several SE's I use as back ups. A Tremonti and Custom 24 with natural quilted top.