Thursday, March 6, 2025
BassBass Effects

Best Spring Reverb Pedals | Carl Martin Headroom, Gamechanger Audio Light, Surfy Bear Compact | DEMO

For GUITAR & BASS! These are by far the best TRUE SPRING REVERB pedals you will ever find. And they sound completely different from each other. We shall never leave any of these 3. And we highly recommend to anyone to get all 3 if at all possible.

But if you need to choose only one, this is the definitive video to determine which is best for you personally. They are different. Nevertheless, whichever of these 3 you choose, you will have one of the ultimate spring reverbs, guaranteed!

From the mighty effects masters at Carl Martin, brilliant tones and great design in every single pedal! Check out the Headroom and all their other wonderful creations right here:

From the wizards of true spring at Surfy Industries! All-analog creations for the wildest tones, check them all out right here:

From some of the best builders and daring inventors in the history of music gear: Gamechanger Audio! Don’t walk. RUN and buy their creations:

We use Klotz AIS cables! LaGrange and Titanium series cables are just what the pandas ordered for utmost signal integrity and noise free operation, every single day!


The RIG:
(GUITAR part)
Fender American Original 50’s Stratocaster (with stainless steel frets)
– Pure Vintage ’59 single coil bridge pickup

(BASS part)
Ibanez EHB 1505 5 string BASS (passive mode, all stock)
– Nordstrand™ Custom Big Split Humbucker bridge pickup

SurfyBear Compact Reverb

Gamechanger Audio Light Pedal

Carl Martin Headroom

(BOTH parts)
Orange OR15
– set as in the video

(GUITAR part)
Friedman PT112
– Celestion G12M-65 Creamback
– 16 ohms (matched impedance)

(BASS part)
HESU B110 Bass Standard Cabinet
– 1x 10″ Hesu Phoenix Ceramic
– tweeter turned off
– 8 ohm (matched impedance)

(BOTH parts)
Shure SM57 (left) and Sennheiser E906 (right)
– slightly off axis, on the grill

(BOTH parts)
Presonus Studio 68c

(BOTH parts)
– no post processing

Music & Animations by Pair of Pandas, all rights reserved.

We are Pair of Pandas! ʕ。◠㉨◠。ʔʕ。◠㉨◠。ʔ We make gear demos, comics, manga and music! Follow us on social media for the mightiest red panda comics:

And of course, LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to our youtube channel for gear demos, gear unboxing, gear shootouts, gear gear and music!!! ʕ˵◕ᴥ◕˵ʔʕ˵◕ᴥ◕˵ʔ
#gamechangeraudio #surfybear #springreverb

Time Stamps! ฅʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔฅ

00:00 Guitar + Moderate Reverb
03:59 Guitar + EPIC Reverb
09:25 Bass + Moderate Reverb
12:56 Bass + EPIC Reverb

#Spring #Reverb #Pedals #Carl #Martin #Headroom #Gamechanger #Audio #Light #Surfy #Bear #Compact #DEMO

Originally posted by UChnmUNVk0r-d7OnnwWbAs9g at

2 thoughts on “Best Spring Reverb Pedals | Carl Martin Headroom, Gamechanger Audio Light, Surfy Bear Compact | DEMO

  • Hello, i have a Carl Martin headroom , and i think it's a very good reverb, the sound is more '' hall'' and modern than the surfybear…I have a Surfybear classic, the sound is vintage like the reverb tank fender…these pedals are the best spring reverb i think…thanks for the video..


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