Saturday, February 22, 2025

Best Takamine Acoustic Guitar for the Money (our top pick) #acousticguitars #takamineguitars

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This video highlights the GN93CE which is our favorite Takamine acoustic guitar to recommend. We also go over some feature highlights and honorable mentions. You can checkout the full roundup article here:

Here’s the opening excerpt and summary:

“For years we’ve been recommending the Takamine GN93CE NEX among all major guitar manufactures. Its manageable price point and high quality marks (solid Spruce top, comfortable to play, high-functioning preamp) keep it high on our favorites list overall, let alone within the confines of the Takamine lineup. ”

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#guitar #guitarchalk #acousticguitars #takamineguitars #acousticguitar

#Takamine #Acoustic #Guitar #Money #top #pick #acousticguitars #takamineguitars

Originally posted by UCY2CFiwxfhPyfTdakR0qgsg at

One thought on “Best Takamine Acoustic Guitar for the Money (our top pick) #acousticguitars #takamineguitars

  • I played the GN and I settled on the GD 20 CE NS. The GD's bass is deeper. The mids on the GN were there too; with less detailed sound compared to the cedar topped model. Both guitars performed equally well in their treble intonations and sustain levels. The deeper, more detailed sounds of the cedar top make the GD 20 CE well suited for finger and pick playing styles. I would favor both of them over equally priced Martins. As always, it comes down to what makes you happy. Either model is a great buy.


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