Friday, March 14, 2025
BassBass Amps

Best Ways To Amplify Amp Modellers | FRFR or Guitar Cab? | Thomann

Guitar amp modellers are crazy good and obviously practical too. They don’t do one important thing though… amplify your signal. Kris and Guillaume grabbed the Quad Cortex, made a preset and tested 4 awesome ways of amplifying / monitoring yourself. Let us know which one was your favourite in the comments below.

Gear used:
Recorded in Presonus Studio One:
Recorded and mixed with Universal Audio:
Monitors optimised through Sonarworks:
We use Cordial cables exclusively:

Interesting bits and pieces:
0:00 Introduction
1:12 Four ways to hear yourself
2:35 How we mic the 4 methods
3:15 Quad Cortex tone going straight into the interface
3:42 1. Guitar amp’s power amp + guitar cab
4:36 2. Dedicated poweramp + guitar cab
5:40 3. Going into an FRFR speaker
6:46 4. Going into active PA speakers (wedges)
7:57 Our impression and opinion
13:06 Outro jam

Twitter: @thomann

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Originally posted by UCtvgPVBJ_r1vjN4mRuHCbog at

43 thoughts on “Best Ways To Amplify Amp Modellers | FRFR or Guitar Cab? | Thomann

  • I don’t think enough people acknowledge the great guitar players that both of these guys are. They make videos like this so much more enjoyable

  • Having gigged and used a Helix with a QSC k.12 frfr, I think the best combo is a modeler with a power amp and guitar cabinet
    You can still go direct to front of house but you still get the “feel” of a traditional amp and cabinet
    I’ve heard someone say that when people think of “amp like feel” it’s not primarily tubes vs digital vs solid state, it’s about the cabinet and speaker and I’m inclined to agree

  • Why do European guitar guys give off a more trustworthy vibe than American guitar guys (Andertons excepted). Yes I’m American.

  • I use guitar cab 2x 10 cab swapped out guitar speakers for pa speakers, Duncan 170 power amp, modeller. Declined a FRFR speaker

  • My personal experience : I have played a long time with a Victory Countess V30 MK2 and Friedman Runt 50 in conjonction to a multieffet for reverb an delay (4CM). The setup was great but the problem was that effect loop was sucking the tone due to multiple analog to digital conversion. To avoid that, I have now a Fractal FM9 connected to a power amp and I really like it but I struggled to get the same tube amp feel depending on the power amp type. Tube amp have a lot of energy with the attack and it pushes the air very efficiently. One reason that tube amp players sometimes change their output transformer is to get a punchier sound and output transformers with the help of output tubes are an energy buffer that can deliver a lot when sollicitated. Regarding non tube power amps, I have tried PS700 => the sound is very loud but lifeless and lack of punch. I have read that class D amp we're not good to reproduce this tube amp feel and I definitely confirm that. Not the same attack as a tube amp. I then bought a Orange Pedal Baby which was better to replicate the amp feel. It is solid state class AB amp so a better configuration but it dit only replicate the tube amp feel at bedroom volume not during a gig or stage situation. Now I have a stereo 50 W tube amp Eng 840. I did have to tweak the EQ on the fractal with specific PEQ curves (fractal units are very good at this) to correct the sound as this configuration is colored by the tube amp but have retrieved that energy and tube amp feel. The problem now is that this configuration is heavy. Next step would be to buy a lighter tube power amp. I'm still looking for it.

  • I have a Helix rack and I really expected I would prefer it through the effects return of my tube amps and I didn’t. I use two Headrush units and the updated Helix cabs sound and feel very good. I still love my tube amps but I also love my Helix. I’d like to try the Seymour Duncan power and the new Fender FRFR

  • Would love a second round with cheaper alternatives like Harley Benton GPA-100 80€ power amp + cab Vs into a Joyo bantamp 150€ Fx loop + cab Vs Harley Benton G212A-FR 350€ vs Harley Benton FRFR-112A 270€.

  • Interesting video. NIce one.
    For my Quad Cortex I use a Palmer Mach 402 power amp in stereo with a Blackstar 2×12 loaded with H-75 Creamback and a CL80 on the dry (ish) side and custom 1×12 CL80 on the wet side. I find the trick to using Class D power amps is getting as much clean headroom as possible therefore go for the loudest you can get (without being loud)! I've got a Peavey Valve power amp, but it's broken. I know it will make the quad come alive when it's fixed.
    For masterclasses and demos I go straight into a wee Mackie desk into a Yamaha dxr 8 PA monitor. I can mix my Guitar synth in there and any backing tracks. With a band the DXR8 is just for my synth guitar. Everything gets sent FOH with both rigs.
    I personally hate the sound of just going FOH. It's like having a 2D willy! You need something behind you to give it size and meaning…….in audio form of course!

  • That is a little old listening to the same John Mayor song over and over again. I get you can play it. so can a million other guitarists.

  • Lots of information here. Can you run the QC through a valve guitar amp? Whats the disadvantages? .. i don’t really want to replace my ac30 with a FRFR speaker.

  • Hi, thank you for the really useful videos that you post. There is though an option for using the Katana as a power Amp that you didnt mention. Connecting to audio interfaces. I bought a 50 gen3 from Thomann a week ago and I am trying to figure out how I can use Katana as a Monitor for my portable iRig HD2, so that I can also use Amplitube when I am practising. The iRig has two options for sending audio, the most suitable for monitoring (according to the manual) is from the headphone out (stereo). So, can I use a 1/8 stereo to 1/4 mono jack that I saw in Thomann to connect my interface to Katana? I mean, that's what power amp in does, am I correct?

  • Using the revv sounds best. Ignore the boominess because that should be cut out for a guitar. FR-2 sounds like a cd ???? and a little too clean, I wonder if you can get it to sound like it’s being pushed to get a bit of that natural grit with rock guitar that going through the revv has. FR almost feels a bit neutered but still sounds good. ???? cost comes into play & how you are going to use it plus I’m sure there are other choices besides the Seymour Duncan power amp instead of having to buy a full head just for its power section. It’s a choice more about the player feel than audience sound issue. Only a very small % of your audience is going to feel & hear the difference between a rev type setup & the frfr

  • I am using my Fractal Axe FX III into a matrix poweramp into a Marshall 4X12 with mixed celestion speakers (V30 and T75)
    I am looking into FrFr options as well, but have not found the right one for my needs (high gain player)

  • tried the fender…played it 20 min..returned it…sounded dark and cheap…eq was barely responsive…plastic….

  • ive been running my Tone Master Pro into the power amp in of a hot rod deville. sounds great. I also have the FR12 – it's good but not as good as a tube power stage. Some one should make a power cab thats a couple of 6L6s (no preamp stuff) just for modellers on stage.

  • "He's on the modeler trip" was I-
    Until purchasing one, AS WELL AS plugging the unit in and getting nothing but smoke. Sent back to store>>> twice!!! Last unit wouldn't power up at all!!

    Purchased another modeler and the power cable snapped off inside of the unit. Sent back to store>>> twice!!!
    Noticed the serial number was the same on the returned unit.
    Store said it was a new unit and all the serial numbers are the same. C'mon, really??

    The life saving grace for these "companies and customer service reps" is that they are quite far away for me to drive to, so that I could "speak" to them and try to imbue into them what exactly is customer service and what it means to support that product!!

    $1600-2500 dollars for a modeler, another $500-$5000 for stereo speakers.
    The typical FRFR speaker systems look and sound like PA wedge monitors (excluding the fender) which, since they sit on the deck are Boomy As F*CK!!

    if you purchase any of these?
    Make sure you can send all of the shit BACK after 15 or 30 days!!!!! Put the unit thru its paces in your home or at a small venue.

    Also, and very importantly, if you watch Tube videos, please understand-All, if not most of their gear they are reviewing is "GIVEN TO THEM FREE in exchange for the advertising!!!

    Take all these product videos, AS WELL AS THE SOUND YOU HEAR, with a grain of salt. >>>>>>Make that a healthy dose of salt as well!!! <<<<<<<<<
    Again, put the unit thru its paces in your home studio or at a small venue after the purchase!

    If it smokes, farts, no power, can't add expression pedal etc…WHATEVER THE ISSUE IS-Send the fraker back!!!

  • I want to use my Valeton GP 200 through active / passive combo with a and a Ch mixer why would I need the Seymour Duncan power stage 200 ? How do I route it , is it a DI BOX I’ve never used one , I also have the BOSS IR 200 which sounds great in videos … not through my Marshall DSL thinking powered stage monitors are my best route

  • What’s the best for a bedroom beginner setup? I have an electric guitar and a line 6 helix, what’s the best option to output the audio from the helix??

  • Running a Boss ME90 into a Headrush FRFR-108. Plenty of low end (almost too much) and it sounds great! I come right out of the headrush output into the PA and it sounds huge.

  • frfr cabs dont need a poweramp? i think that would give me what i'm looking for. i have a torpedo M and some preamps I like as well as strymon iridium. i think this is the way to go for me.

  • How about the old Mesa 20/20 or other stereo amps there are lots of tube stereo offerings and can be used with a 2×12 or 4×12 wired for stereo/mono
    Do you guys think the frfr sounds better than regular celestians cabs?

  • Could someone help me understand the signal chain when using a power amp and cab. Like what plugs into what? I'm about to buy a kemper stage but all the inputs on the back are a little bit overwhelming.

  • I've been running my Boss GX-100 into the effects return of my BluGuitar Amp1, and then the BluGuitar Amp1 drives a 2×12 guitar cabinet. I copied the patches I created for going to FOH or into a DAW, but then turned off the cab sim on those patches so I can go into a guitar speaker cabinet. To send my signal to FOH I just mike my guitar cabinet the old-fashioned way. It might seem kind of dumb, but it works great for me. I've used mikes like SM-57s to mike guitar amps for decades so I know how to do this and get a great tone coming through the FOH system without having to worry about special IRs or anything else.

    As someone else noted, if my GX-100 ever goes down I can just go straight into the BluGuitar amp and still get through the gig.

  • If I’m just a bedroom player what is the best way for me to monitor my modeler besides headphones without aggravating my family? Sorry, I’m new to all this modeling stuff.


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