Monday, March 17, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

Better Amplified Acoustic Guitar Sound on a Budget | Thomann

Why do Piezos always sound bad? Well, they don’t have to and if your Piezo isn’t the best on the market we have 5 nice little helpers today to improve your sound!

Gear used:
We use Triad-Orbit stands for our videos exclusively:

Interesting bits and pieces:
0:00 Introduction

0:19 TC Electronic Bodyrez | Playing
0:46 TC Electronic Bodyrez | Talking

1:18 XVive Mike | Talking
1:58 XVive Mike | Playing

2:13 Artec Acoustic EQ | Talking
2:39 Artec Acoustic EQ | Playing

2:56 Behringer VTone Acoustic ADI 21 | Talking
3:26 Behringer VTone Acoustic ADI 21 | Playing

3:51 Harley Benton Custom Line Acoustic Preamp | Talking
4:04 Harley Benton Custom Line Acoustic Preamp | Playing

4:45 Direct Comparison between all pedals | Playing

6:00 Impressions

9:01 Thanks for Watching!

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Originally posted by UCtvgPVBJ_r1vjN4mRuHCbog at

39 thoughts on “Better Amplified Acoustic Guitar Sound on a Budget | Thomann

  • Got a thormaan single cut larry carlton. Replaced the bridge and tuners, because the D tuner was overlapped by 14 inch! of badly cut head stock! It will not stay in tune!! for 1bar !! Let alone a whole song!

  • For as cheap as they are – buy 2 of the Behringer ADI21 pedals. Use one, keep the other as a backup (or for dueling acoustic jams). I just bought one, already have the bass pedal, as well as 2 of the guitar pedals (for my sound production business, if ever needed). The XLR out has speaker emulation, super easy to plug right into a PA system. 🙂

  • Sorry, but only the TC sounded good here.
    There's no solution other than to embrace the Piezo or combine it with a different system. Embrace the full range, scoop the mids and let these highs shine like how they do on a mixed acoustic guitar. Throw in that compressor and reverb because these systems will never ever sound good dry.
    Most people don't know how to use the Piezo and it's sad.

  • Only the Behringer ADI21 did not have the fizz on the E and A strings. I'm assuming this was an under saddle pickup.

  • They all sounded awful to me. Bodyrez is the only one I've actually used, and it made my J45 feel and sound awful. Getting a natural acoustic guitar sound with a pickup going through an acoustic amplifier, is a nightmare! The best I have managed so far is an irig acoustic stage, but even that is no where near as natural sounding ( and feeling ) as I would want.

  • Hello! Thanks for the very detailed video. I have one question. Can you plug your acoustic guitar to a pre amp and then to an electric guitar amplifier? I mean is it gonna sound better than just pluggin your acoustic guitar to the electric amp? Or should I buy an acoustic amp as well?

  • I have the Behringer and I appreciated how great your guitar sounds using that one.

  • Try the NUX Optima Air, beats all of these pedals, no doubt, though the XVive is not that bad! IR, affordable and it was already around when this clip was made….

  • They all sound more like plastic than an acoustic guitar. It's hard to believe how advanced amp modeling is for electrics now, but we can't make a real acoustic sound loud enough for performance.

  • The Begringer ADI21 is an excellent copy of the Tech21 Sansamp Para DI an amazing option. I love mine, had it for over 20 years and still going strong.

  • I know this video is old but I just don't see the the value of a pedal to "enhance" an acoustic instrument sound that doesn't involve an impulse response.

  • The bodyrez totally smashes the competition imo! ???? Must order one, sounds great!

  • Im sorry to say this, but all of these devices sounds bad and is hopeless. Whatever you do with these effects, you will never hear the real acoustics of the guitar body. Beside that, the sound is artificial, lifeless and flat. It's a shame that most brands don't have any knowledge about amplifying the real characteristics of an acoustic guitar. They mostly placing an 'under the saddle' pickup because it's the easiest way for them to place but it's worst nightmare for the sound.
    You must begin to replace the factory pickup with a piezo disc which should be placed inside on the soundboard. The position of the piezo disc is very important, but if you know how to do it… you will experience a great real acoustic sound which you've never heard before on your amp. No need for pedals or effects anymore. If you want to know more about this, feel free to write me a message.

  • from all songs possible you choose to play Roadie! I love this video to the max. thank you <3

  • ADI21 is analog, not digital. This is also why it sounds more 'warm'. the' BLEND' knob is a tube amp simulation…but dont go crazy with it; so anywhere from 12 o'clock onwards will give a tube-like tone to your instrument. If your piezo instrument sounds very bright, the 'BLEND' may also help tame the highs.

  • Hey man this was a very well put video, I loved the cinematic camera angles. I’ve been an acoustic player since I started, and I’ve never had a pre amp pedal , and Im wondering if the Xvive Mike can also work on acoustic bass, or does the bass need an acoustic amp specified for a…Bass?

  • I can’t decide if the I like the Artec or the TC electronics more… Any arguments for which is better??

  • It's two pm and I am laying in bed. Have just watched the pick of destiny movie with a friend and I see this video and the first thing I notice is you playing the song Roadie by Tenacious D. These guys are still everywhere.

  • Well it's 3pm, time to lug the gear

    Gotta get it on the stage

    My muscles flex, my fuckin' sweat will save the day

    Hail to the Roadie!

  • 4:52 No pedal

    5:03 Bodyrez

    5:13 XVive Mike

    5:24 Artec SE-OE3 Acoustic Outboard EQ

    5:35 Behringer V-Tone Acoustic ADI21

    5:47 Harley Benton Custom Line Acoustic Preamp
    Artec has a parametric EQ for very little money (only one filter) but that should be a VERY good tool for any piezo case if used correctly (mostly it would be a pretty narrow cut performed ). The "Bass-Mid-Hi EQ" you most probably have on the mixing console or amp already.


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