Better Than Neural Amp Modeler?!?! (Tonocracy is FREE)
Tonocracy is FREE now so I have nothing to complain about. It is awesome and is a solution for people who are looking to have effects on the Neural Amp Modeler.
Check out Tonocracy here:
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#Neural #Amp #Modeler #Tonocracy #FREE
Originally posted by UC49Im5B0JTV2S44VuTQ0fTA at
Though u can still use nam with free vst. That may be better. Just look at this distortion free pedal:
Metal Area MT-A models the iconic Boss MT-2 distortion pedal.
The same Italian company also has other free guitar effects such as cabinets.
Not really sure so many options. People say Neural DSP is the best but it does not have enough song presets such as guitar rig 5 which can be imported into Guitar Rig 7. But it has the presets texas hot lead is SRV obviously. Rock Rage could be Rage Against The Machine.
So confusing, too much choice….
So its a front end for Neural Amp Modeler?
can you add the tonocracy captures to the Dimehead player?
do you know mabye why when i'm trying to install it it says that it can damage my computer?
Its such a good sim, but my fod the interface rough.
Ok, 60 seconds ago I just discovered NAM and now, this. Should I go with Tonocracy instead? Looks a little easier to use, especially with the FX pedal stuff. Thx!
Can third party Cab IR software be run inside this app…?
Love your video ????. Subscribed immediately.
why is it delaying when i play
50,000 amps and no effects ???? i cant find effects just reverb and delay which comes standard on an amp ???? guess i gotta buy a damn boss now ????????????
Really useful looking set of features and design that makes NAM a more viable option. Is there a "Noise Gate," and how is it implemented? Thanks
6:31 but you do have a Sync button on the top right ????
So, uh, what if I dragged over a hundred snaps and they landed in the wrong folder? Is there a way to delete them en masse? Because I sure can't find a way to do it lol
Noise gate
What's the latency (RTL) like ? What audio interface do you use ? What settings ( buffer size, sampling rate etc.) ?
how did you import nam model in to it? and can you do a video on how to capture rig?
Better the amplitube and tonnex combined
Noise gate ????????
Compared it with my peavy 6505+ and NAM, no dice, amp sims still a waste of tone, I can pick those things as soon as I hear them unless they are doubled up super distorted with drums smashing all over the place.
Dont forget the most important step. Setting your interface instrument input dBu level on the INPUT block in tonocracy and then setting your gain knob to ZERO (can be found in your interface manual under tech specifications). Yes, it makes a massive difference to how the profiles react and sound.
Paraphrasing: "Still obnoxious but you can do Korn with it"… 😀
This thing sounds amazing. I thought Bias Amp and Bias FX sounded good, but this thing is pretty awesome.
I tried it. Maybe it wasn't for me. I always wonder if there is a problem with my stratocaster that some amp sims just sound awful or is just that they are oriented to metal with guitars with more metal pickups D:
The clean and crunch tones I got were Ok, but nothing great, to be honest.
Again, it must be my guitar, but to this day I've found nothing that beats my Guitar Rig 5/6. I can get distort and clean sounds there that in my case totally kicks this.
Also, I hate that it has iLok. And the CPU consumption is 2~3 times GR with a worse sound (IMHO). I decided to uninstall it.
PS: Very nice video and very well explained, direct to the point!
Hey man…For future videos, can you use a gate/RX on your voice and process it to reduce the background noise? There's a LOT of background noise going on, and it's hard to check out the video without being consumed by that noise! I certainly appreciate the video though.
'm not able to use TONOCRACY on abledon live. The DAW recognizes the plugin but the signal does not pass through tonocracy. Can anyone help?
Tonocracy fails on my PC with a JSON error on its first ever run after installation, and as a consequence "My Library" shows up empty. It's not ready yet.
fedup with these vids, where guys never play a clean sound.
Does anyone know about the minimum system requirements? Which MacOS?
tonacracy better than nam? laughable, it's basically a nam frontend. let's be honest here, they tried to profit from open source and likely ran into a license issue and that's why this low grade software is now free, but still requires ilok to be at least installed. if i were still a beginner it would be kind of cool, but helix native crushes this hot mess.
…..UPDATE MY APOLOGIES!!!!! Support came through and everything is up. Sorry for being so impatient !!!! Thank you for listening to me gripe
I could not find the NAM profiles in Tonocracy how did you load them into Tonocracy?
Not that impressive honestly speaking … if one is used to other stuff for a longtime this newcomer might not be so interesting. Sorry.