Monday, March 10, 2025

20 thoughts on “blues and Rock Guitar Lesson – Land of A7 – Advanced and Intermediate Chords for comping

  • I'm an old geezer really enjoying you videos and love the land of A7. I incorporate all eight positions into the "double A bars" parts of twelve bar blues in E as a run up or down to E7 – is there a land of E7 as I play rhythm it would fit in really well. Many thanks for all instructional videos on your various channels! !!!

  • I'm an old geezer really enjoying you videos and love the land of A7. I incorporate all eight positions into the "double A bars" parts of twelve bar blues in E as a run up or down to E7 – is there a land of E7 as I play rhythm it would fit in really well. Many thanks for all instructional videos

  • & sort of partial chord or cage lesson. oh yeah u dig yr playin. u got some jazz in u

  • that inverted d sounds beautiful! been practicing it up n down fretboard for like 40 min!

  • because this is in the key of D. We are plying the I (D) , the IV (G), and the V (A). The V chord can be substituted by a dom.

  • Because A7 is the V chord in the key of D Major,and G and D are both in that key,in other words all the harmony in the D Major scale work over the chords from THAT scale…D,Em,F#m,G,A7,Bm,C#dim.

  • thanks – (I don't use this account any more – now with my 10 year old son). I have studied more since I put my comment and I can see where I went wrong.

  • @helloABZ I just came from a Page inspired lesson…Is this the video you wanted? /watch?v=zM3yy55oi5k&feature=g-vrec&context=G285321eRVAAAAAAAADg

  • @alkalynn part 2 of my comment..When you play the Dmaj triad (D, F#A) you are adding the 11th (D) of the A-scale the others are already in the A7 chord. For the Gmaj triad (GBD) you add the 9th (B) and the 11th (D). You can play Dom 9th, 11th and 13th over an A7.
    You can go further with these chord substitutions…and play F#min triads and Em triads instead over the A7 (think of stormy Monday). These two chords are like A6 and A9 over the A7. It all sounds very cool and jazzy.

  • @alkalynn I've been working on this Marty is right these work over A7 which is a dominant chord. In an A7 you have the notes (hope I get this right) AC#EG…when you play the A maj triad you are matching the first three notes (AC#E) so it works – and gives a different voicing.

  • Hey Marty I was watching another one of your videos where you were free flowing using the land of A7 and I loved just listening to it but I cant find the video again, and I know the title doesnt have the words land of A7 in it. Hope you can help.


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