Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Blues-Rock Pedalboards: Rig Rundown Best-Ofs

See how Doyle Bramhall II maximizes his stompbox real estate, firebrand Eric Gales adds bling to his setup, Jonny Lang upgrades to “spaceship” lighting, while Kenny Wayne Shepherd and Samantha Fish can’t let go of irreplaceable favorites.

Merch & Magazines: https://shop.premierguitar.com
Don’t Miss a Rundown: http://bit.ly/RIgRundownENL
Subscribe to PG’s Channel: http://bit.ly/SubscribePGYouTube

Watch Kenny Wayne Shepherd RR: http://bit.ly/KennyWayneShepherdRR
Watch Jonny Lang RR: http://bit.ly/JonnyLangRR2017
Watch Doyle Bramhall II RR: http://bit.ly/DoyleBramhallIIRR
Watch Samantha Fish RR: http://bit.ly/SamanthaFishRRPG
Watch Eric Gales RR: http://bit.ly/EricGalesRR

00:00 – Intro
00:40 – Kenny Wayne Shepherd
22:03 – Jonny Lang
30:23 – Doyle Bramhall II
44:24 – Samantha Fish
53:16 – Eric Gales

#rigrundown #pedalboard #blues

#BluesRock #Pedalboards #Rig #Rundown #BestOfs

Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGhNc5a8kOw

33 thoughts on “Blues-Rock Pedalboards: Rig Rundown Best-Ofs

  • Just bought a 73 non reverb. I've had all sorts of fenders but so excited! If it's the sound Im hoping for I'll sell my brown face clone and MAKE IT work live. Miking up and possibly running a load box with a line out that I can slave through my little But deadly! Beringer class d monitor. In my other band I play sax and have to wear headphones which you get used to..

  • Way to go John ! ! ! If it wasn't for you, Id probably have nothing to do with Premier Guitar. Easy goin' attitude, plus your personal knowledge of guitars, as you yourself can play alongside of most of the guys you interview.
    What's goin' on with Doyle's pedal board? I'm about ready to blame him for the roving blackouts we get in Cali. HAHAHAHA !

  • Man, Eric Gales tones were fantastic. That envelope pedal… I may need one now 😀

  • Bohlinger , has a certain way of making you just talk about your boards! It comfortably relaxed! Keep him! ????✌

  • Eric Gales is a Badass !!! I love how he plays music in these demos , gets a groove going and he’s into it full tilt !!!

  • We all miss Dirks. She was the best interviewer by asking the right questions when needed and listening. A needed skill some musician/interviewers lack.

  • I miss Rebecca Dirks. She was very knowledgeable and asked very good questions and never interrupted an interviewee while he or she was talking (as some of the new PG interviewers do).

  • Jam pedals have and will always be on my boards. Besides them there are guitar systems pedals from holland (which are totally overlooked by pedal show, premier guitar ect ect.) Like the VIBE TOOL, JUNIOR DRIVE, TREBLE TOOL …also modern pedals built after traditional cercuits. They are amazing. Watch Sam Vito on youtube or Michael Thompson presenting them.
    Anolag in a digital world!????

  • Almost every time Kenny Wayne Shepherd talks about his kit or his music he says “we”. I think that says a lot of good things about him as a person.

  • I love Premier Guitar Rig Rundown. It is so cool to see how every player is constantly chasing the ultimate tone. Thanks.


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