Monday, March 3, 2025

Bohlinger Ponders Rachmaninoff or Rock n Roll — Classical Musician or Guitar Player? | Last Call

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Does the guitar player’s mind have the patience and focus of a classical musician, or are we on another tip altogether?

The first time I really played music was in fourth grade in my elementary school orchestra. Although I played terribly and was just one tiny cog in a huge musical machine—second to last chair in the second violin section out of 30 kids—being part of these incredible, interwoven melodies was a genuinely moving experience, regardless of how bad it must have sounded. But despite the personal history, classical musicians are a bit of a mystery to me, and probably most guitarists.

Firstly, classical music is too much work.

Great guitarists all have worked their asses off to master their instrument. But the most dedicated guitarists probably won’t put in half as much hard practice time as classical players. I first noticed this when I was touring with my friend and former bandmate Robert Martin—who’s worked with Frank Zappa, Stevie Nicks, Etta James, Bonnie Raitt, and lots of others. We could be in Venice with a free day to explore, and Robert would lock himself in a room with his French horn to practice. On the gig, he wasn’t even playing French horn, just piano and sax, but he carried that thing with him around the world because he had to get his lips on that horn daily. It was somewhere between a compulsion and rigid dedication. Robert told me he had been on this schedule since 1969, when he entered the Curtis Institute of Music, where he undertook intensive classical studies.

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#Bohlinger #Ponders #Rachmaninoff #Rock #Roll #Classical #Musician #Guitar #Player #Call

Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at

18 thoughts on “Bohlinger Ponders Rachmaninoff or Rock n Roll — Classical Musician or Guitar Player? | Last Call

  • My introduction to music was in 4th grade. Our band director brought in the high school band to play for an assembly. The sound was amazing. He then asked for a show of hands of those wanted to play in the beginner’s band. Over 100 kids joined. Enough for two bands! 60 years later my life and I am still at it!

  • I started with rock in 1973, and for the first year, I played between four and eight hours a day! Of course, at 15, I really didn't have a life, so that was really easy for me!

  • Professional Classical guitarist play 8 hous a day. 5 of those hours are actual practice hours. I know several Classical guitarist. I've been taking lessons from them for last 6 years. I started on Classical guitar at 60 years old. Before, i was a Texas electric blues rocker; acoustic singer songwriter with several bands here in ATX. I can tell you first hand you're so right about Classical musicians. Especially guitarist! Their daily routine is insane! Nothing but respect for their devotion and discipline! Plus, they're some of the nicest people you'll ever meet on earth!
    Your comparison to Olympic athletes or runners as you said is an excellent example of their total dedication and discipline. It is a religion all its own. There is really no vacation. If you actually have a vacation you'll definitely will be dragging your 10 k $ guitar through TSA to wherever you're going and practicing 5 hours a day before partying. Excellent post! Look forward to reading your article.
    Btw: all respect for all musicians out there. Whatever your genres or instrument keep on keeping on!!!????

  • PP… ( in italics ) @8:42 I believe the term is "Pianisimo," aka very quiet. There's also whisper-quiet "PPP" ( in italics ).
    Dynamic Notation (loud/soft/pp vs ff etc ) has always been a contentious point in written music as it often leads to a musicians interpretation of said written music.
    Personally, I've always enjoyed different artistic interpretations of other artists compositions. Feel over everything for me

  • Different styles of music and different types of people. Some people have trouble improvising, I have trouble not improvising.

  • Honestly nobody seems to have more fun than the guitarist that thinks the pentatonic scale works 200% of the time ????

  • There are about 50 times more classical music musicians than there are paying jobs for classical musicians

  • Great playing as usual Mr. Bohlinger. I never played the Mandolin or the Bandolin before, but it does sound great. Led Zeppelin used it on some of their famous songs.
    There is another unique guitar design which is the Portuguese "Fado" Bandolin, which the musicians Prince and Jimmy Page also have in their guitar collection. I have
    no idea if they ever used it in in their songs, but they also sound amazing.


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