Friday, January 17, 2025

Boring Electric Guitars Suck

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#Boring #Electric #Guitars #Suck

Originally posted by UCUMBIYslSt3wQgJwWrDP5dQ at

16 thoughts on “Boring Electric Guitars Suck

  • From Leo: I am not a pickup maker like you are. I have rewound a few, changed a bunch of magnets, changed some covers, modified some mountings, etc. I have even made pickup covers out of copper, wood and pick guard plastic. I had to do it with a drill press and a Dremel, Very time consuming and difficult to hold accuracy.. Your laser ROCKS. I am sure they hold really tight tolerances. The engraving function opens a whole new world. I am impressed. I hope a whole world of custom work opens up for you. Bravo on the new venture.

  • I have a gretsch white falcon with some filtertrons. I really enjoy the dynosonics on my other gretsches. Do you have something not so muddy I can replace on the falcon.

  • Save the little round bits that get cut out for the pole pieces and use them for position markers on the fret board.

  • Can you use one of your laser cutters to stipple polymer pistol frames (and maybe engrave slides)? I mean you probably wouldn't want to do so commercially (because you'd end up needing a Type 07 FFL and all the hassles and expenses that come with that) but it would be fun for your own projects and us non-weenies in your audience would likely enjoy seeing a DTT branded Glock or something 😀

  • In my opinion you are matrixed by the uggly fashion of car’s tuning and which has nothing to do with our musical instruments. This is a 20 century view…

    What's the point of these energy-guzzling developments, for simple aesthetic reasons whose end result is highly debatable ? Nothing. I much prefer to do something by myself, using handmade technics and materials such as wood, which will be more visually creative, etc. It will take much more time, but this will stay for much long because this will be made by myself. Also this will cost nothing to the Earth in comparison to this bad things. And too much steel for nothing at all in addition to that (heavy guitars). Bad

  • I’m usually not a big fan of patterns on pickups but those look really cool! Makes me want to put together another guitar just to use them.

  • How about a hollow/ semi hollow body with no top wood and do it with carbon fiber. Back load electronics. Would be an interesting idea.

  • Make multicoil pickups (i.e., a single coil per string) that aren't hexaphonic. I've seen it for bass, with the Wal pickups, Nordstrand PolyVox, and I think the neck pickup of the Ovation Magnum. But I haven't seen it on guitar.


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