Boss Katana 100w Combo Amplifier Review | Better Music
Bob got his hands on the BRAND NEW BOSS Katana amplifier and was simply amazed!
Find out more here –×12-guitar-amp-combo
#Boss #Katana #100w #Combo #Amplifier #Review #Music
Originally posted by UCoDExnYAIjAVnHZE2uGxYRw at
Confused between blackstar id core 40 watt Vs boss katana mk2 50 watt.
Pls help which is better? Thnx in advanced ????
Have you ever bumped your head off a hot lightbulb?
i have found my amp
Thanks for the review! After watching and reading some reviews I've ordered this along with a JEM Junior white, which is all I could afford within my budget right now. I stopped playing for years due to mental health and financial circumstances, no longer owned any equipment. Went to see Joe Satriani 10days ago in Perth WA and it re-lit a fire in my belly for playing!!!! So happy I will be back to doing what I was born to do! Hope you don't mind me sharing! OH and I got to meet Joe last week, 22yrs after I first met him (actually translated/interviewed him in France!) wish I could post a photo to show you.
Anyway, Enough rambling. You sir, have gained a new sub, you seem pretty awesome mate!
P.S I believe the standby mode is more so you can still have it hooked up to your PC or external source without it blaring out the speaker
You made the amp sound quite average.
heavyyyy metaaaal as loud as it can beeeeeee
Saw this at the NAMM Show and it was the most talked about amp, at the show! Great tone and power.
A wazza amp lol couldn't get any more aussie named if you tried
Can you unplug the main speaker and plug it into a 4×12 cab?
What amp stand are you using?
jesus, picked 12 random spots through the video in 11 of them and he's still talking…
Here's the problem with the new Katana. Only 4 saved "channels" TOTAL. You have to use the computer and tonelab to add combinations of effects and save those on top of one of your 4 preset channels. This makes for a hassle to always use the computer to tweak your amp with those 50 effects! Other than that it would have been the perfect amp. It would have been so easy to add 100 presets into this amp instead of a pathetic 4. I'll wait for Katana II. Big oversight and soooo easy to have implemented….Hurry up Boss I'm waiting for the "World's Second Boss Amplifier"
HEY GUYS i SEE YOU ARE PLAYING A VANCE GUITAR MADE BY R.VANCE WHO MAKES THE BEST GUITARS MONEY CAN BUY! i may have the spelling of VANCE wrong……..but he still makes the best guitars money can buy and is one hek of a human being [ a really nice guy].KILLER GUITAR!
I LOVE my Katana 100, particularly Crunch channel, Gain on full, Volume at 1 o'clock, Blues Drive at 10 o'clock, Bass MORE than 12 o'clock, mid & treb LESS than 12…. bit of delay and reverb…. check out "Paul Stafford Cook plays Cause We've Ended As Lovers" to hear an example of that tone.
no clean sound demo at all? no semi distorted? no blues? no crunch…. weird demo. net playing time 10% of the video
raspy, i love it!
what is the rack you are using to put the combo on?
I just bought this amp. While it's got a great tone with acoustic guitars and for modern stuff like the guy in this video plays very nicely, the amp just can't seem to achieve a good mid gain fender blues tone. It just sounds a bit synthetic, but much better than my horrible Blackstar. I'm a bit disappointed actually, and will probably be selling it for a Fender amp. I really wanted this to work though, because it has everything I need. Just wish the Fenders had good built in effects, and acoustic speaker, etc.
What kind of guitar are you playing?
Sounds good with high gain – can it do classic rock crunch/blues though?
How are the delays? With the fender mustang 3, when I did open chords with delay, it wasn't really the best.
Can you give your Brown Sound please?
love the speaker back drop
Hey people in the comments do you reckon this amp would be just as good for acoustic guitar sounds as well as the heavy metal tones? Let me know what you think
What guitar is that? Looks amazing!
Do you try "line out" for recording into soundcard and emulating poweramp & cabinet with vst's, i wanna buy this amp and line out sound quailty is a deciding factor for me, is it possible for you to upload a little demo for it with hi gain tones?