Monday, March 3, 2025

Brainworx Classic Guitar Tones – 5 Classic Guitar Tone Plugins

These Brainworx guitar amp and pedal plugins provide a remarkable array of useful guitar tones by combing faithful emulations of what could be called the father of Rock n’ Roll guitar amps and four of the best loved stompbox effects ever made. Many guitarists favor having a clean warm amp and adding tones and colors via a pedalboard full of effects.

The Fender® Bassman® is known as one of these “pedal friendly” amps. One of the most iconic guitar amplifiers ever made, its design was the basis for Jim Marshall’s celebrated JTM45 amp, which went on to influence countless other amp designs. The Brainworx bx_bassdude captures every bit of the original’s tone and feel as well as its ability to respond well to pedals.

Brainworx has also created plugin emulations of four iconic stompboxes: bx_greenscreamer, which is based on the Ibenez® TS808 Tube Screamer® overdrive, bx_yellowdrive, which is based on the Boss® SD-1® overdrive, the bx_distorange, which is based on the The Boss DS-1® distortion, and bx_bluechorus2, which is based on the Boss CE-2®.

You’ll be amazed at what a wide range of tones you can get with just these five plugins. Check out the sound examples below, as well as the video, or download the demo to hear for yourself! All plugins in the Classic Guitar Tones Bundle are available as 14-day full function demos — no dongle required!

All rights reserved. Plugin Alliance is a trademark of Plugin Alliance, LLC . Brainworx, bx, bx_bassdude, bx_distorange, bx_yellowdrive, bx_bluechorus2 and bx_greenscreamer are trademarks of Brainworx Music & Media GmbH. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners, and are referenced for the sole purpose of illustrating amplifier and pedal products on which Brainworx applied its own modeling techniques. Such reference does not imply an association, license or endorsement of any type by such third party manufacturers.

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Originally posted by UCuB-ljAa6Le035EtRasWV5A at

9 thoughts on “Brainworx Classic Guitar Tones – 5 Classic Guitar Tone Plugins

  • Everyone of these plugs is a must have piece of tool..I love the chorus plug so much it's on every synth, piano, and guitar…with the mix slider too minimum. Never over do it, use when needed. ????

  • The music you are playing is so good,
    and it really deserves exact those sounds!
    Agree with PR! Thank you!

  • this really is a great amp model.

    i can get the Amplitube 4 Fender Bassman and the Mark Studio pretty close, but with a lot of fussing around.

    i follow it with bx_cleansweep – FANTASTIC Bandpass plugin and FREE!!!

    maybe a little Kush Omega.

    hoping the Bassdude goes on sale this holiday.


  • I tested free trail,pedals sound awesome.Please make other pedal plugins such as Boss OD-1,Dallas Rangemaster treble booster,Phase 90,Wah Wah,Whammy,Talk box etc. And one that many skip I do not know why and that is good quallity noise reduction pedal,G String or something should do the trick. 🙂
    Best regards.

  • Awesome tones and awesome guitar player…
    This is what we want to watch & hear when demoing a plugin !
    Congratulations to the Dirk Ulrich team !!


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