Budget Guitar Gear for the R&B Sound – Kerry 2 Smooth [R&B Guitar]
My mission is to help you unlock the fretboard and play the guitar the way you’ve always desired to play!
#learnguitar #rnbguitar #learnguitarchords
For Beginners:
✅ https://youtu.be/f_PVZ2lAHMs
For Intermediates:
✅ https://youtu.be/XwQzzooJUBM
For Advanced:
✅ https://youtu.be/uu2FHNNekFM
Hi, my name is Kerry “2 Smooth”! I am a guitar instructor, professional guitarist, and producer based in the Atlanta area. I believe everyone has the potential to be a really good guitarist. I made it my mission to give back by sharing my knowledge and help shape the next generation of guitarists from all over the world. That’s why I’ve created this channel!
In this R&B guitar lesson, Kerry 2 Smooth teaches you
#Budget #Guitar #Gear #Sound #Kerry #Smooth #Guitar
Originally posted by UC1SfQdNv3nGuvVD64SuKlyQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9AP0eRfA34
I have a Rg270 Ibanez can I trick that out into RnB sounds aswell
Thank you K2-Smooth, This is what I have been looking. Right on bro!!
I have had the ME-70 for 12 years…Love it! Does everything I need except undo recording on the loop feature…
The multi effects are ok, but they really do sound digital. It is good for a beginner, maybe. Btw it’s not all in your hands. I have a fender reverb that I used forever then used a peavy with a bad speaker and it was horrible and lifeless. It starts with the Heart and Soul, mind then fingers, then good enough gear, doesn’t need to be expensive, don’t need a ton of effects, basically good stock fender or Gibson pickups a good amp, some od and reverb, you can do most anything . All else is topping
I have the Helix and love it. But it's hard to find anybody marketing devices like the Helix, ME-90 (this one just came out), Quad-Cortex, Kemper etc for anything other than Rock or Metal. I'm glad to see somebody doing it for R&B because yall are hard to find. I would like to become "the change i want to see", but i dont think im there yet with my playing lol. So in that case, thank you for this.
Tutorial please
Wow man you are amazing , what is that bridge pick up it sounds amazing
The Line 6 Pod Go really was a game changer for me. I’ll later upgrade to the Helix but it’s a great affordable all in one for a beginner!
Please Sir do an ME-80 tutorial for absolute beginners please ????????????
Coz I'm about to donate mine please HELP thanks
Nobody will take u serious..at least professionally…if u don't have a fender tube amp..blues,deluxe,hotrod..that is the rnb tone
Anyway we can get the setting numbers u use on the regular i got the me 80 a while ago n ive just been playing around with it but very limited info on some amazing presets
Alright the way it sounded when he threw on the high gain setting and still played in his style just further makes me think RnB and Emo guitar aren't so different
Omg I was looking for the fender logo on the headstock and didn’t see it
God Bless you Kerry ????
Do you use more the manual or the memory mode on the Boss me-80? You inspired me to buy it????
I got my me80 about a month ago, I got a roland cube micro and an Ibanez rg7321. Can I play church music be tuned down a whole step? Ive played metal most of my life but thats not paying the bills. Would I have to tune my guitar up or should I get another ibby?
If you can’t get the 80 get the me-50 also very good
I have used the ME 80 for years. Guitar is all I do now so my rig has to deliver and inspire. Good choice, for any style of playing.
" Very Nice Video Demo Information "…!!!!
Good job???? Can you show me the preset for the distortion the second to last preset, I would appreciate it.
Kuddos Kerry, Thanks for taking the time and sharing these valuable Nuggets!! Truly a Blessing…
Amt F brick is great for adding some heat. Those model pedal boards are digital, and if you can hear it. It's not for you.
Remember you recommending the ME-80 in another video. Bought mine off of that recommendation a few years ago and I love it. Definitely a great place to start to understanding TONE in general. So many options in a relatively small package.
Got the boss ME 80 for 2 years now and I don’t regret buying it
ME-80s are the best for practice, you can dial in all kinds of tones and use headphones, runs on batteries and lasts a long time. When you find a tone you like, you can save it, killer box.
Kerry is my guitar dad even though he’s maybe like 3 years older than me.
I have a spark amp and I was wondering if you knew anything about r&b settings for it? I have a Vox wah pedal connected to it.
That Boss ME-80 works great for me! All I need for what I do.
Do you have some where were you just pull some music
At the recommendation of Mr. "Too Smoove" purchased the ME-80 and its definitely t
THE BOSS! I call it the quick rig. Great for when you don't want to lug the analog board around! Just dial up!
I 110% agree with you on the tone is in your hands. You make that Boss ME-80 sound amazing!
You make the best RnB video’s man, I love your work????