Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Guitar

Budget Violin Bass by IYV – IVB-500 Like the Hofner 500 Bass #hofnerbass

I test a budget copy version of the iconic Hofner 500/1 Violin Beatle that Paul McCartney plays. Is it any good? Find out in this video! #hofnerbass #paulmccartney #violinbass

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Keith Williams – Hofner Beatle Bass:

#Budget #Violin #Bass #IYV #IVB500 #Hofner #Bass #hofnerbass

Originally posted by UCgKTSNXRsxh0-xa5oetuRSg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t47i0K5KA4c

12 thoughts on “Budget Violin Bass by IYV – IVB-500 Like the Hofner 500 Bass #hofnerbass

  • thanks for the review. I'm going to give one a try, only because it's easy to return if I get a clunker. One reviewer got one that had something rattling around inside it, and your first one had a broken bridge. I have an IYV IJZ300 that turned out to be a keeper but it was my third attempt with that purchase. Regarding the controls on the bass, yes totally confusing as they were on the originals. check this out. https://youtu.be/oOvKhc9hlfY?si=54Zjno9MPccllxx4

  • I just found this thing and i really think i want this as my first bass, i also really enjoyed the riff you played

  • Thanks for the video! I like it's sound. Do you think this would make a good bass for someone new? It's size makes it seem like it might be… and I really like the Beatles connection and that it's unique. Thoughts?

  • looks more like a replica of the epiphone viola ,of which there are many ( brice , eagle ,douglas , etc. ) than the hofner 500/1 . agree on the medium scale strings due to the tailpiece . put labella flats on my epi & hofner or that deep woody tone these basses are known for . cheers .

  • Mine arrived just this past Sunday. They’ve changed their pattern on these guitars. They used to be cherry Sunburst on the back as well. My guitar tech says “ and his reputation is impeccable as a guitar repair and Builder” anyway he said the back looks like mahogany with a deep cherry stain. I love mine also. And I love the cherry color on the back and sides. In my opinion, it sounds so much better than a Hoffner and I have owned two vintage Hofners. I was a bit surprised by its weight. I take Amazons descriptions with a grain of salt. They called this guitar, a solid body. Using the round wound strings, I can actually play funk with a little setting of my amp. This company still amazes me. This is now the fourth IYV I now own and I am amazed of the quality and sound. I get from these guitars thanks for your video I loved it.

  • Lol I have the same bass and mine is also wired backwards. I bought it cause I wanted to learn bass and I love the beatles so it was a win win. But my pickups are rusted and the wiring is backwards. Should I try and fix it myself or find someone who knows what they're doing?

  • Enjoyed the review vid. I was curious about this bass. But after watching this. I think I found my next bass.


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