Build Jimmy Page’s EP Booster – DIY Tagboard Guide! Unlock the power of Jimmy Page’s tone with a DIY version of the legendary Echoplex EP Booster! In this step-by-step guide, I’ll show you how to build
your own tagboard EP Booster, the key to achieving that iconic boost and warmth
in your sound. Ready to take your tone to the next level? Let’s get started!
**USA Affiliate links**
Stepper drill bit (premium) –
Stepper drill bit (Budget) –
Battery Drill –
Auto Punch –
Hakko soldering iron – Hakko Soldering Station, FX951-66
Budget soldering iron –
Solder –
Matt –
KNIPEX Snips –
KNIPEX flat nose snips –
Hakko dispenser SINGLE –
Hakko dispense DUAL –
Silicone wire –
**UK Affiliate links:**
Stepper drill bit (premium) –
Stepper drill bit (Budget) –
Battery Drill –
Auto Punch –
HAKKO Soldering Iron –
Solder –
Solder matt –
KNIPEX Snips –
Flat nose snips –
Hakko solder dispenser –
Silicone wire –
Time codes:
0:00 – Intro
0:33 – Enclosure
2:58 – Tagboard
23:33 – Mistake No1
30:10 – Mistake No2 A.I. Help
37:38 – Transistors
42:07 – Hardware
50:45 – Knobs
52:31 – Sound Sample
#Build #Jimmy #Pages #Booster #DIY #Tagboard #Guide
Originally posted by UCuJLugw0PI3HKWjMeAVxSEA at
Where do you get the enclosure? Thanks. ????
EP-3 was solid-state, rather than tube/valve. Unlike the EP-2. I have modded my EHX Hot-tubes (the 80's one that isn't as good, but cooler because it uses real tubes at high voltage) by swapping the 12AX7s to 12AT7s and voicing the first gain stage to match an EP-3's frequency curve. I love it!
Would you happen to have a link or a name of the website to the layout?
Mate, that boost with delay sound quality, great work once again!????
i love my fluke 73 III. awesome video as well
If you wanted to solder the broken terminal first why didn't you just spin the board and make it so the broken side is on the left instead of the right.
Love the material finish. Looks really cool.
Another killer build.
Where do you buy the tag board? Or anywhere that you know of that I could get the type of tag board in the US?
Hi Friend!! thanks to share 🙂 So, is possibly to make a simple pedal wha wha like hendrix? no whaaaa but Au Au 🙂 ? thanks again
The enclosure is stupendous my friend! you have really outshone yourself with this one. I wonder what Jimmy would make of the look and tone of this little gem.
I had no idea, but there is a polarity to film caps. There's a vid on youtube somewhere with somebody explaining it, along with test results and data. Great work as always. Seems I'm only a stones throw away from you. Definitely within 20 miles of that accent 🙂
Hey Joe. Little story about the NKT275. I had a guy post on one of the FB pedal groups looking for someone in the UK to help with an eBay auction. I’m in Ireland but offered to help. Long story short, the guy wanted to buy an old PYE car stereo because it had a few of those old transistors in. I bought it for him and sent it to the US. All in all, it cost him nearly $300. For maybe 4 transistors. That’s some expensive mojo.
7:11 umm 39k and 22k in parallel is just over 15k, not 39k.
Hey Joe (what a great title for a song!) 🙂 Thank you for swinging education my way it is very much appreciated. Where do you get the sloped cases from?
Hey mate if you haven’t heard of it the G2D “cream tone” is the best transparent. natural overdrive I have ever used they were handmade in New Zealand years ago you can find the schematics online I’m telling you it better than a klon ????
You forgot to say: “helicopter…Joe aged 5” ????
23:49 I'm still half way through the video, but I wanted to say it wouldn't be a Hello Sailor video if you didn't have to de-solder something and start again!! Lol – I think it's great that you leave this stuff in, to show EVERYONE makes mistakes. The important thing is that you show us how to recover!…
Im the end, it sounds brilliant! Particularly pushing your Victory and in front of the Sea Wolf!
And no…. Nobody thinks you're a fool! You make mistakes like the rest of us, you just do it in front of thousands of people yet you don't throw in the towel. You work out what went wrong and put it right. Watch Josh Scott in his Short Circuit series… He always cocks it up!!
If Picasso was completing a layout ???????????? Great video Joe.
I enjoyed this video man, it really sounds like a great classic rock pedal! I was thinking I recently bought a cheap wireless dremel at 'action'' a store in the Netherlands wheree they sell all kinds of handy stuff, just for 20 euro and with it a demel set for 7 euro , it has all kinds of handy little tools in it, you will find a little flat disk that can cut off iron or aluminium pieces like the pot rod.
that is a shy 30 quit and makes your life easier. by the way i was looking the other day to videos to make a point to point amplifier of a couple of watts, that might be fun for you too, you can have a princeton or fenderblues junior for a couple of hundred bucks and even cheaper if you own all the componets like you do…..cheers mate you are doing great!!
We seem to have the same path through pedals ????
I built an echoplex preamp ages ago, its one of only a few pedals that if you turn them on….just make any signal chain slightly better!
Thank you for making such amazing content! I found your channel through the Voodoo Octave Mod video, and the same day the G2 video was uploaded. I was so hyped because I'm a huge Gilmour fan. I’m really looking forward to your future videos. You’ve been a huge inspiration for me to start digging into the DIY pedal space.
Another gr8 video Jo I wud luv to hear this with a real echo plex