Thursday, March 6, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

CABLES! How much do they affect guitar TONE?

I test some 99.99% oxygen free pure copper low capacitance Cordial cables, against a variety of other cables… you be the judge!
if you dig em, use discount code THORN25 for a deal, and you will have rocking pure tone!

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#CABLES #affect #guitar #TONE

Originally posted by UCpK5bAA-DFb64eEQ6Oo8OZw at

43 thoughts on “CABLES! How much do they affect guitar TONE?

  • Pete, this video is amazing. I’ve been playing electric guitar since the late 80s, and you’re teaching me more about how my guitars work in 20 minutes than I think I learned in 35 years. I love your stuff, don’t ever stop!

  • a rf filter (gauss) with a buffer to bring the level and output back up…ding ding! Worked @ KLIF KPLX radio stations in college as an assistant until they figured I learned to fix my toys and solder/ step into a hand in development of a pair of latest greatest recording and working studios. I was a broke college student I went to a radio shop bought100ft of cable, heat shrink and 1/4 plugs ,spent 4 hrs making cables, they are still here today, Zero failures! oB

  • If someone is talking about guitar cables for 20 minutes they are either retarded or trying to sell you something. Spend a dollar per for and the cable will work fine. That's 37 years of experience for ya.

  • This was tremendously helpful! Will you please do this comparison again with an onboard buffer like the Creation Audio Labs Redeemer?

  • Man I wish you would have included an Evidence Audio unit. Love them but I ended up going back with Mogami. If I had disposable cash, I would have a bunch of high end cables.

  • Interesting video, what about wireless systems and allowing for the, inherent dynamic of a venue that u r performing at ? Perhaps food for another video, thanks; James

  • No cable, no sound. That's pretty important! Once you get past the cheapest grade cable, you soon will get drenched in snake oil. Even a better quality cable should not cost you hundreds of dollars. THAT becomes a ripoff.

  • You forgot to include the Analysis Cables, at least the purple and the yellow because the silver and gold are too expensive

  • the better cables are a bit brighter for sure,, but the worst of them didnt sound awful,, interesting test

  • Kudos for doing this review however, as we all know, if you tell test subjects what cable is making what sound they will always pick the most expensive cable. A single blind test is much more informative.

  • I use a connection with some 21% oxygen between input and output plug. Its getting even worse…if that oxygen isnt there I cant even play..

  • mmmmmmmm……I couldn't hear much difference……I think the action of the strum made some sound difference which could be interpreted to being a product of the cord. I think I liked the Belden cord which seemed a tiny bit less bright than the Cordial cords.

  • Great video! I almost skipped over it thinking a guitar cable could not make any significant difference. Man was I wrong!

  • The real difference between cables shows up when you di a bass. The difference can be significant in some cases.

  • Its called the "law of diminishing returns". So you can easily get to 98-99% copper, going beyond that you need to start paying absurd amounts of money. Sure they put the best connectors on and use the best insulation BUT can you REALLY & CONSISTENTLY tell the difference. Most blind a/b tests say no, especially in a mix. Hey if it makes you happy go ahead spend the money, but don't be annoyed when your friends can't tell the difference. Somehow they made some pretty good music from the 60's – 80's with crappy cables.

  • Unlike with speaker cables and interconnects on HiFi equipment, with guitars the cable does make a audible difference that almost anyone can hear. The main reason why this is so is because of the high impedance nature of the guitar pickups and input circuitry to receive these signals. It makes the shunting effect of the cable capacitance more noticeable.

    If you have a guitar that has active pickups or an on-board preamp, the output signal will be much more lower in impedance and will be less affected by the cable capacitance, therefore presumably there would then be less difference in tone between the brands. That might be something to also test out.

  • What about longevity ? I have a fender cable from 72’ still works great. But have thrown away about 15 O2 free cables (can’t remember the brand but I think they were a Steve Via signature series cable) because the wire would break inside the cable. Sometimes several feet from the ends. ?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️

  • First I'm surprised so many 'Pro's' fall for the marketing, especially from makers claims…..Depend on who you ask as 'Oxygen Free' is a marketing term and means nothing in the real world….They used to control tone with cables in the early days and a lot had buffers built in the guitar (But no one saw it so didn't know), and remember all those curly cables….My own main need for a cable is reliability so just make my own from the same parts that these laughable 'High End' cables use. A Neutrik Jack is still only $5 whether it's on a $20 Cable or $200, plus your brain is tricking you, you are expecting a difference so hear one….The tiny amount of differences in frequences etc are far too small to be detected by the human ear….It's Science 101 and no 'High end' maker can change that….

  • I've gotten a few different brand cables from GC freebie with a purchase on up to the Mogami/Belden, and I also like the PW best and use it the most.

  • I'm new to guitar..and i just know the cable i originally had broke..bought a ernie ball cable and the sound is better.

  • Zero… unless you have a really bad chord, the chord you use makes no difference…

  • It's a wire. Electrons travel down. It's a signal.. B.S. to play thru gold if you want to. Capacitance. Resistance. Bla bla. It's not traveling 100 miles

  • I try to use the shortest cable I can and avoid too many pedals- but really, I spend more time worrying about my ability than I do my signal chain or what amp I'm playing through. I mean don't get me wrong- I realize gear matters- you can't play Tool on a Strat through a '57 Tweed, well you can but it's not going to sound right but- I think guys get lost in the gear too much instead of just worrying about their skill as a musician. I do it too- no one is above it, we're human, gear is cool, boys will be boys. But I try to remind myself sometimes you know perfecting that Gilmour sound isn't going to do you any good if you can't play any of his solos properly anyway. I'd rather play it right through the wrong gear than play it wrong through the perfect gear.

    Really cool video though- if I could play like you, I'd be worrying about the micro details too man- you rock. When I feel like my playing is up to par- I know which cable to go for- I loved the pure copper cable, sounded great.

  • Always knew these facts, but it was refreshing hearing the differences. Going to be replacing a few "things"… and Thanks!

  • Great job! How about you do this with a 5 string bass. I experienced night and day difference with the Andrew G cable with a Fender 5 string active bass by comparison to Mxgomi.


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