Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Can a carbon fiber acoustic guitar sound better than wood? // McPherson Carbon Fiber Acoustics

Learn more about these carbon fiber guitars here:

In this video we take another look at the carbon series of acoustic guitars from McPherson, including a long term review of our Carbon Sable acoustic guitar.

Table of contents:
00:00 – Playing Sample – Carbon Fiber Sable (new)
00:16 – Welcome – setup of video
00:35 – We’ve reviewed these before (links below)
00:56 – Current Look of the sable
01:56 – Brian’s Personal Experience of the Carbon Sable
04:12 – How we are mic’ing these guitars
04:28 – Playing Sample 2 – Carbon Fiber Sable (new)
05:34 – Fuller’s experience with the original (older) Carbon Sable
06:56 – Playing Sample 3 – Older Carbon Sable
08:19 – The Touring model (3/4 size guitar) – Big guy, little guitar
09:36 – Playing Sample 4 – Carbon Touring
10:15 – Available pickup systems in these guitars
11:14 – Playing Sample 4 – Carbon Sable plugged in (direct)
12:05 – Playing Sample 5 – Carbon Touring plugged in (direct)
13:00 – Conclusion


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Our vision is that every church in the world would experience worship that is both excellent and authentic. We are here to help you make that happen.

CURRENT GEAR – stuff we use in (and to make) videos

Sony FX3:
Sony a74:

Acoustic Guitars:
McPherson Acoustics (Camrielle, Carbon Fiber Sable):
Martin D-35 //–3980936/item–MRT2018D35
Martin 000-28 //–3980936/item–MRT201800028
Taylor 414ce //–3980936/item–TAY414CERV
LR Baggs Anthem Pickup (in both) //–3980936/item–LRBANTHEM

G7th Performance Capos:

Amp modelers we make presets for:
Line 6 Helix //–3980936/item–LINHELIXFB
Line 6 HX Stomp //–3980936/item–LINHXSTOMP
Kemper //–3980936/item–KEMPROFILERSTAGE
Fractal Axe-FX III, FM3, FM9 //
Quad Cortex:–neural-dsp-quad-cortex-quad-core-digital-effects-modeler-profiler-floorboard

Recording Interface:
Universal Audio Apollo //–3980936/item–UADAPX8P

In-Ear Monitors:



#carbon #fiber #acoustic #guitar #sound #wood #McPherson #Carbon #Fiber #Acoustics

Originally posted by UCGnVb3zNM46mvKCUjFTUXGw at

34 thoughts on “Can a carbon fiber acoustic guitar sound better than wood? // McPherson Carbon Fiber Acoustics

  • I live in East Texas where the humidity really tweaks my guitars. I am wondering if Carbon Fiber might be the solution?

  • I bought a Sable a couple of years ago and absolutely LOVE it. I can't believe how good it sounds plugged in. Always in tune. Perfect neck. Killer guitar. My buddy on stage was making fun of it not being a wood guitar. Man, I don't even know what to say about that lol. I love wood guitars too and the history of them duhhhhh, but this guitar is da bomb!

  • Here's the deal, your videos convinced me. Plays Phil Keaggy's solo acoustic pieces really, really well! This is definitely a Swiss army knife guitar. Looking forward to using this to lead worship. Thank you!

  • I’ll be doing some recording soon and I’ll compare to my wood mcphersons. I’ve compared them before and the sable sounds great. So far I’ve mic’d the soundhole with earthworks SR25s.

  • I've owned 2 Taylors for almost 20 years, they were my worship guitar workhorses at my church…I just got this Sable about 6 months ago, and I love it move than my 810 & 614. If you're considering the Sable but aren't sure about the sound…..I'm telling you now, get one You won't regret it.

  • Hey guys mikey here from the band 7eventh Time Down. I just recorded one of these for a recent project I produced. I used a pair of km184s I put one on the 12th fret angled in towards the body and a little up towards the sound hole and one over the right shoulder angled straight down! It really did sound fantastic. I’ve recorded everything from Gibsons, to Collins, Taylor and Martins. And this was definitely different, but definitely awesome!

  • These guitars buzz so terribly bad. If you are a strummer stay away. The necks are basically flat. I went through two touring models and they buzzed so bad they were unplayable. They were returned. I have a Sable that has already been sent back to McPherson for a neck reset. They said they made the saddle slot deeper and now the pickup sounds horrible. I am part of the acoustic guitar forum. Two other members of that forum sent their Sables in for beck resets. Just a word of caution, play it before you buy it.

  • If you used your Martin IR for acoustic with the touring you probably wouldn’t be able to tell at all that it was a smaller body

  • I bought one of the Sable's and it is hands down incredible sounding. And it blows the minds of people who hear it whenever they see it when I'm playing it.

  • Sound Great,
    But not as Good as a Quality Woodern Guitars.
    In Australia we are Blessed with Amazing Guitar Builders,
    And Amazing Acoustic Players including, Tommy Emmanuel, Joe Robinson.
    I'll Put,
    High End Maton, Cole Clark and Fenech Guitars up Against Most Acoustics from Around the World…

  • One of the issues is sustainability. I think as Christians we should be looking at using sustainable and environmentally conscious tools to worship God with. Carbon Fibre is not great. The production is environmentally bad and disposal of waste along with recycling is not possible. So for me, sustainably sourced wood guitars will always come out on top.

  • You guys should review an Emerald X20. I know you did the Virtuo, but that is primarily an electric guitar- basically a hollow body electric. The X20 has some big fans out there.

  • How would you recommend micing my sables with two earthworks SR25 mics? You said one close and one far. Can you explain what you’d recommend as far as distance and placement for each mic??

  • What string gauge do you find works best as they ship with mediums? I purchased one last year in Nashville and love it.

  • Just picked up one of these a few months ago. Was blessed enough to find it hanging used at my local guitar center for $2199. Plays like a dream! Best acoustic I’ve played hands down!

  • I almost brought one of these, but the biggest problem is that they sound the same no matter where you play, and that is a downside to me. Also, the pickups just sound like someone rolled a tone knob on an electric way down.


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