Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Can you make a Line 6 Spider sound GOOD?

Is it possible for this amp to sound good? At all???

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Jackson Juggernaut ET6 – US: https://imp.i114863.net/DVBNvd || AU: https://bit.ly/3w6aymI
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Jackson Juggernaut USA HT7 – US: https://imp.i114863.net/X02AX
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Taylor 214ce DLX – US: https://imp.i114863.net/LPgNMY

Submission Audio: https://bit.ly/3mdH3xN
FL Studio 20: https://imp.i114863.net/OVyQW

Neural DSP Quad Cortex – US: https://imp.i114863.net/kjVqrd
EVH 5150 Iconic Amp – US: https://imp.i114863.net/NKyayP || AUS: https://bit.ly/3iH7zOu
EVH 5150 Iconic Cab – US: https://imp.i114863.net/LPdkd3 || AUS: https://bit.ly/3IXosiC

???? GEAR
ADAM Speaker Monitors – US: https://imp.i114863.net/WDb1YJ || AUS/EU: https://amzn.to/3w8XQDD
Sennheiser HD650 Headphones: https://amzn.to/3GKmEGX
Monitor Stands: https://amzn.to/3XDiyHM
Radial JDI Passive Direct Box – US: https://imp.i114863.net/vGxZe || AUS: https://bit.ly/3ZDPGkn
Focusrite Scarlett 4i4 3rd Gen Interface – US: https://imp.i114863.net/52132 || AUS: https://bit.ly/3Wher2V
Ernie Ball Guitar Cable – US: https://imp.i114863.net/gb921v || AUS: https://bit.ly/3iLSZFx
GruvGear Fret Wraps – US: https://imp.i114863.net/Eak3E9 || AUS: https://bit.ly/3QIAZZ8
Mogami Cables – US: https://imp.i114863.net/QOB5y9 || AUS: https://bit.ly/3QHxRNb
BOSS WL-60 Wireless Pedal – US: https://imp.i114863.net/RyzkG2 || AUS: https://bit.ly/3iPwdwl
Polytune 3 Pedal – US: https://imp.i114863.net/LARqM || AUS: https://bit.ly/3iJ51iV
Guitar Stands – US: https://imp.i114863.net/WDb1YJ || AU: https://bit.ly/3wbitiO
Alesis 49 Key MIDI Keyboard – US: https://imp.i114863.net/N12DV || AUS: https://bit.ly/3knBMmf

Sony A6400 Camera: https://amzn.to/3GJ289H
Sigma 1.4f 16mm Lens: https://amzn.to/3WahV7i
RODE Wireless Mics: https://amzn.to/3wbhFdM
RODE Shotgun Mic: https://amzn.to/3wbE5LT
Audiotechnica AT2020 Microphone – US: https://imp.i114863.net/WDb1YJ || https://amzn.to/3IRCxy4
Softbox Lights: https://amzn.to/3w6UJMz

CPU (Ryzen 9 5950X): https://amzn.to/3CSVtIR
iPhone 14 Pro Max: https://amzn.to/3wdfkPa
Wireless Mouse + Keyboard: https://amzn.to/3QH3GFW

#Line #Spider #sound #GOOD

Originally posted by UCueME1RtSxAxS4Jtq_QvXBA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grDdGIabFeQ

49 thoughts on “Can you make a Line 6 Spider sound GOOD?

  • Great amp, I’ve always loved the insane distortion. For a small amp it sounds beast, thats why I’ve been jamming on mine for over 12 years. Traveled with it as well, no issues.

  • It worked pretty dam brilliant little Amp and effects that's killer sounds very awesome playing wow alot of clear sound rich thank you

  • You can make a Spyder amp sound good. Take sth like a Mooer GE 200 use its head phone out and connect it to the amps mp3 in. Voila. It sounds. Any other attempt using the amp on its own fails in desperation and sadnes. So, get yourself a device like that. Plug it in your home hifi if you want. All that gets you near a QuadCortexor something like NeuralDsp is doing and never need an amp unless you like to play one. Any other demands: go 21st century. The 90s are over. They were a blast. New blast incoming.

    Edit. If I want rediculous and insane fun with raw animalistic mood patterns I play a Diezel head at an Engl 4×12 with no signal processing. Just the amp. But honestly this is the cherry on a damn good and tasty cake of just playing with simulations. Since calc power is no more a bottle neck digital blasphemy took over. Sad? Good? Who am I to judge. But any leap is potentially disruptive. And the kids don't grow up with Dark side of the moon, Sultains of swing or Jimmy Page. Damn they even struggle to use a mechanical knob instead of swiping a display. Music progresses. As lenguage. Am I gendering? I don't care. But I recognize that the future is gendering until the preservative ones go to hell or above.

    Hahaha you silly nerd really read that ???? Honestly, I appreciate your stamina. Now grab an axe andplay you bastard ????

  • Sounds thin and fake, like the guitar is made of plastic. You'd be better off learning to play electric guitar without an amp., Tone comes from wood, metal, and your fingers and right hand attack. Modeling amps remove all of those things

  • I have a spider 2 amp head and cab from the early 2000s and it’s my main amp. I also have an AMPLIFi fx100 I use in front of it too just for effects. And it’s a good combo

  • I've had a Spider IV 150-Watt amp and FBV MKII shortboard for quite a few years. I've never really got into the amp to see and hear what I could do with it. Am up in age and retired; watching this video has given me the inspiration to break out my gear and spend quality time to see what this amp does. Excellent video, keep em, coming. Thanks

  • Its all in the hands, not the gear, as long as you have a well setup guitar and an amp that works anything can sound good

  • I converted my Spider Jam combo amp to a head and run it into a Mesa Traditional 4 x12 with V30s and it is f'n awesome. I also have a Mesa DC5, Peavey 6505+, BOSS Katana head and a Line 6 HD147 head. Imaginer my surprise when the little Spider sounds better than all of its stable mates.

  • If Eddie Van Halen could have come to your house & use your set up. he'd STILL sound like Eddie Van Halen.
    Having good gear won't ever make YOU sound any better than you currently are.
    Shitty playing will still sound shitty no matter what you do, while good playing will always sound good no matter what you use.
    Anything else is nothing but fine tuning that 99% of people listening could never tell the difference.

  • I got like 6 Spyder when I was highschool. Im in my 30s today and I still use this amp. I just found this video looking to see whats new cause Im buying a new one. These amps are pretty good

  • My spider V60 sounds great. Better than anything else in it's price range because I can dial it in to just what I want but you HAVE to connect it to a computer and use the App because it's way to complex, you won't get far turning knobs on the Amp. Also it has a built in Audio Interface and comes with the DAW Cubase LE. It sounds so great having the guitar go into a DAW without having to setup the virtual amp, head, compressor overdrive, reverb, echo, etc… Also, it will sound the same whether you connect to Cubase, Studio One or any DAW. Note that only V120 and up have monitor plugs on back of amp.

  • 3:45 bro WTF ???? your guitar is at like 20% in the mix and the bass guitar is like 90% ???? how are we even supposed to hear it??

  • Great video. I'm planning buying this amp very cheap for Home practice but just as a speaker, gonna use it with a multieffect

  • line 6 spiders sound great if you aren't a snob. i use it for grind tones mostly and it works great for that, even on a studio level. speakers suck though, so i recorded using the line out.

  • I played this when I first started guitar, just plugged it in after years of playing on tube amps … wow it sounds like complete garbage. I thought this amp was so cool when I bought it.

  • I have the spider 2 175 watt sounds like shit no matter what adjustment. I hooked my pevey black widows to it so so much better sounds.

  • All the hate comes from pretentious people, please keep it out of art. I get line 6 isn't a "musicians" Amp but guess what, neither am I.

  • Any update on whether or not the MkII is an improvement on the main shortcomings of the MkI? The strengths seem to be largely the same, I hear it still sounds great but did usability get better?

  • It's a very very very good amp for what I like. Clean sound, minimal effects, Chet Atkins finger picking. The bass is incredible and plenty of volume. My first amp was a Fender 1965 Princeton Reverb. This amp blows it out of the water I think.

  • I use it with a Metal master pedal. I just be thankful to have a amp at all since guitar players are broke af

  • As long as it sounds good thats all that matters. A non guitar playing audience isnt going to know the difference between a Line 6 and a Fender/Marshall anyway. There seems to be a lot of snobbery with regard to amps.

  • let's be honest… We all bought this because we saw it in the store and thought it would be good value (which it is).

  • I think they get most of the hate because their low cost attracts inexperienced players that cant play well. You just demonstrated that while it is no where near top of the line, a good player can still do a ton with it.

  • I have what I think might be an original Spider 210 and it’s always sounded great with any guitar I’ve used; sure it’s not a Vox or a Fender tweed or whatever but it’s a lot of fun and to the average punter in a pub who let’s face it is going to be your audience, they will hear ‘Sweet Child of Mine’ mostly in their head anyway whether you use this amp or one you’ve spent £££ on!

  • Ich hab so einen in größer aber der Sound stimmt nicht. Mir scheint, dass da ein EQ fehlt, für einen transparenten Sound mit sattem Bass und klaren Höhen. Kann man den Klang verbessern mit nem anderen Cabinet?

  • Straight off best video of this amp.
    I own one and they are very difficult to dial in. But like players good days bad days…… it's a great amp to dial in your own expression, in addition affordable, at minimum its a perfect amp for home use and with enough effects to see if your even interested in putting in time to learn. It's affordable for parents to support their child or themselves in this guitar pursuit. It's alot of amp for the beginner irrespective of age! And can be used at home without bothering the rest of the house or powerfull enough to rock out in the garage. Thanks for actually trying to give a fair demo of this practice amp.
    Cheers Doug ????

  • The line 6 is amazing specifically for metal. fuck the haters. what other amp has this many pre settings no need for a pedal like other amps. Sounded amazing best distortion amp I have half stack and the small one you demoed and love the sound you have a great style of guitar playing ????

  • I picked up the 150 combo for $50 around the time you posted this video… I'm not disappointed.


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