Tuesday, March 4, 2025

CEDAR vs SPRUCE! – Acoustic Guitar Tone Comparison!

Finding the right acoustic can be a seriously daunting task!
Today, hopefully I can help you narrow it down – It’s Cedar vs Spruce!!
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#CEDAR #SPRUCE #Acoustic #Guitar #Tone #Comparison

Originally posted by UClMRGR_QNw4Fm-3FGGyICdw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU-NFhX4v0k

42 thoughts on “CEDAR vs SPRUCE! – Acoustic Guitar Tone Comparison!

  • I live in Arkansas I don’t think we actually have any cedar here. What we do have is a tree called Juniper. It seems to be a lot more wavy. I think then cedar and there’s a lot more red heart. I’m curious if anyone has ever put Juniper as a guitar top and what it would sound like.

  • Spruce is more versatile. It's hard to imagine a cedar top working as well on a do-it-all guitar.

  • Long time follower, will always lean on your advice. Here's a thought, (first, let me preface that I do not think the back and sides make as much of a difference as we think it does) Driftwood guitars uses laminated sides and when you think about it like a drum, this starts to make more sense) I think it's pretty clear that a cedar top has deeper more mellow upper mid-range tones, it's a softer wood that kind of seems to make sense. Spruce top, more dense, less flexibility. Higher notes. So then what about more exotic tops like KOA or mahogany? Traditionally we have classified these as darker tones more muted, but given the fact they are a more stiff wood similar to the spruce, why would it not be the same in the sense of brightness? So what's the difference? Is it all mental and we're just buying on looks? Possibly.

  • Great comparison. I've never seen TWO capos used at the same time. That was new. Now I"ve got to try it.

  • I prefer the spruce because when come to basses the spruce projects better. I am a fingerstyle player.

  • Yeah depends, if I want to be bright and shiny I use my spruce top. When I play and sing moody music I prefer my cedar top! Spruce can be an advantage in bars with background noise it cuts through! When you sit in a circle of ppl listening to you the warmth of cedar will give you the deep sounds especially with a dreadnought

  • I have seen several videos of this comparison but in my opinion you are the only one doing it right because you choose almost the exact same guitar , same size, almost all things being equal with the only difference being the top.

    I think if you want to play with other people and do solos the spruce is the way to go because is brighter and stands out more, more attack but l as forgiving you make a mistake and people will clearly heard it .

    While the Cedar has a warmer tone but more in the low profile side kind of round creamy sound .

    I think is a matter of preference and what you want to do and with whom you are doing it.

    At the end what matters is your dexterity and the sound that you can produce with your guitar and the sensation that you want to convey.

    Nice video thanks for doing this.

  • I like cedar for rhythm in a dense track. Seems to need less or no EQ. Spruce when you need an acoustic to stick out like a sore thumb. I have both for those occasions.

  • interesting..thanks for posting. I'm a jazz guitarist, so play mostly an archtop..but have been looking for an acoustic voice for brazilian jazz which is my specialty. Of course nylon is the stereotypical solution…but being I grew up on steel …I've been experimenting with that possibility. The very last 'note' you played made the choice obvious: the cedar is closer to the jazz guitar sound unquestionably! thanks!

  • I was overwhelmingly more impressed by the spruce, i have only ever had spruce guitars anyway. One thing I did not however the cedar was much more dull in the lower end whereas the spruce had a lot more flavour. For the higher notes the cedar was about equal. Overall I heard the spruce to have much more resonance and sustain. For the best of both worlds I pick torrefied spruce.

  • I can definitely hear the difference. I like both, but i can see why the spruce is better in the band settings, but spruce for solo and finger picking.

    Nice comparison.

  • Great video and clear comparrison. Solved my last problem in picking a new acoustic guitar. Ceder top itizzz

  • I only have one guitar so I’m glad I have spruce. I can get warmer tones with silk n steel strings.

    But since I only have one, I’m glad it’s spruce.

    Honestly, I’d probably still buy a second spruce and just have different strings on the two. I just don’t like buying a guitar that is really only good for one thing.

  • Thanks for the comparison, Darrell. Excellent playing and presentation, as usual. Of course both tops have their unique sound characteristics. I am in the market for a cedar top, and I really appreciate the sound samples!

  • Cedar sounds a little boomy. Warmer but too much overhang on the lower frequencies. A bit like placing a speaker too close to the corner of the room.

  • Wow! Always thought spruce is what I preferred until now. I am going to have to get a cedar guitar.

  • I prefer the sound of cedar tops but I believe the esthetic is better with a Sitka spruce.

    I have the same thing with mahogany vs rosewood back and sides. I prefer mahogany sound but Indian rosewood is so marvelously beautiful !

    So my favorite sounding guitar doesn’t match my favorite esthetic guitar. That’s my forever dilemma but I will always sacrifice the look because sound is what this instrument is made for


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