Monday, March 10, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Celestion Creamback Mixes: Which works for you?

In this in-depth guide to Celestion Creamback mixes we will be exploring the different combinations and what they bring to the table. We will look at variations of AlNiCo Creamback, Neo Creamback, M Creamback and H Creamback, providing insight into their unique tonal characteristics and performance capabilities.

Discvover the nuances of each Creamback speaker mix and learn how to tailor you tone to suit your playing style and preference.

Playing thanks to Ryan Davey

Instagram: zillacabs
Facebook: /zillacabs


Marshall JMP
Mesa Boogie Stiletto
Diezel VH4

Cab Details:
Cab: Standard412
Back: Closed
Tolex: Purple Bronco
Grill Cloth: Diamond
Piping: Black
Hardware: Black

Celestion AlNiCo Creamback
Celestion M Creamback
Celestion H Creamback
Celestion Neo Creamback


00:00 Intro
00:55 Driven Mixes
01:17 Lead Mixes
02:12 Speakers Explained
02:30 Cleans
03:58 Cab Overview
04:35 Heavy
05:18 Heavy Lead

#Celestion #Creamback #Mixes #works

Originally posted by UCznGTfYusVULbXMJwBDM7lA at

14 thoughts on “Celestion Creamback Mixes: Which works for you?

  • I really liked the M + Neo actually, it sounded the most balanced to me. The H + M sounded thick and congested, and the H + Alnico had a weird scoop and a fizz I didn’t care for.

  • I have the H and alnico combo in a 2, 1×12 format and the alnico in a studio pro and the H in a fat baby, using a Mesa Boogie Cali Tweed 4×40 amp head. I play mostly clean R&B, jazzy kind of stuff, so I like the fat sweet sound (to my ears) of this combination.

  • I put an Alnico and M in my DeVille 212, largely based on some of your previous videos. I would have gone with two Alincos but space issues with the 212 combo don't allow for that.

  • M/neo combo is the most versatile. M/H combo sounds most pleasant on its own but in a band with a second guitarist and a keyboard player it didn't work for me.

  • I preferred the M + H, but the M + Neo unexpectedly surprised me in a very positive way, I feel it's perhaps slightly hollower.
    I didn't like the H + Alnico.

  • Great video. Surprised how much I like the H and Alnico dirty and for those vocal lead lines. They all sound really good though.

  • On that final heavy track the H and M mix was the winner for me. The sound had a weight and body that was lacking with the Neo (sounded too fizzy to my ears) and slightly better clarity than the Alnico. For the clean track though, I thought the Alnico had a touch more warmth and chime.

  • I like the classic M and H combo, but I can't help but wonder about the M and alnico together because their response curves are sort of complimentary where the M has this midrange bite that comes out from the high end roll-off being so low in frequency, coupled with the 1kHz scoop in the alnico bringing out its beautiful top end. Surprised to enjoy the top end so much on the M and neo combo, although the midrange was weird on that one.

  • Still haven’t figured out the cab in the intro!???? M and H for me. Vertical 2×12 with M on top. ????????

  • Another great video! That H and M together is pretty magical to my ears! Plenty of chunk but not dull. ????????


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