Sunday, February 23, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Celestion V30 vs M Greenback – Which speaker reigns supreme?

Get ready for the ultimate speaker showdown as we compare two legendary speakers head-to-head: the Celestion V30 and the MGreenback. Discover the difference in tone, performance, and versatility between these two powerhouse speakers as we delve deep into their unique characteristics. Weather your a seasoned guitarist looking to upgrade your rig or a tone enthusiast seeking the perfect sound, this comparison will provide valuable insights to help you make an informed decision. Watch now to find out which speaker fits you best and elevate your tone to the next level.


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Marshall JMP
Mesa Boogie Stiletto

Cab Details:
Cab: Studio Pro
Back: Three Piece
Tolex: Black Western
Grill Cloth: Blues Breaker
Piping: Grey
Hardware: Black

Cab: Oversized 412
Back: Closed
Tolex: Orange Basketweave
Grill Cloth: Large Check
Piping: Black
Hardware: Black


00:00 AB
00:35 Intro
01:12 Classic Rock
01:45 Speaker Information
02:38 Low Gain
03:20 Cab Overview
04:20 Heavy
04:50 Clean
05:23 Mixed Speakers

#Celestion #V30 #Greenback #speaker #reigns #supreme

Originally posted by UCznGTfYusVULbXMJwBDM7lA at

22 thoughts on “Celestion V30 vs M Greenback – Which speaker reigns supreme?

  • Which speaker did you think was speaker A or B? ANSWER IN:






    This isn't twice in a row we have caught you is it?









    'A' is the M Greenback and 'B' is the V30

    Were you right? Let us know below!

  • They need to make a green back with more wattage 25 ain’t enough for them. Suckers is only 100 W and I got 125 W amp can’t use them.

  • Great to see you guys back posting videos, some of the best out there on speakers. Keen to see you guys do one comparing the new 100 to all the other Celestion alnicos. I recently did it using IRs and it was an interesting experience.

  • I’ve been using these two paired in a cab for over 20 years! Love them ????

  • the vintage 30 barks ,it can be harsh in the upper mids but will always cut through a mix, great for live use and hard rock. there have been many versions along the years since 1986 some made in the uk some in china while most customers never know. the modern 25w greenback sounds nothing like the old ones way too bright, the heritage and evh versions are the best but need industrial break in.

  • Well to be honest I am bit over saturated by V30 and it fell out my liking a few years ago. Do not get me wrong it has its place and indeed it fits to some amplifiers and some versions even sound better but paired with extremely good amplifier and A B them with some other models you can see that they are workers and not refined at all. To much top end and very beamy characteristic. They have middle range but fail some part so they feel scooped.
    Many other H magnet Celestion speakers just sound better to me. For example the Creamback H.
    Now Greenbacks do also have pronounced top end. New models do, not the pre Rolla Pulsonic cone vintage once. But even new once have such a good middle range. Celestion at its strongest point. They do cover full guitar range pretty good. Only issue is the power handling and related speaker breakup if you do not want one that is.
    Personally I doubt that’s possible to make 100 percent same sounding speakers with more power handling. Mass of the voice coil is different plus with that power comes different breakup.
    Lucky for Celestion with trying to make such speakers they made some new speakers that are also great.
    Personally for me no other Alnico speaker sounds like the Alnico Blue despite that some come close to it. But then again I love and use Alnico Cream the most.
    Same thing is true for me regarding the Greenbacks.
    Anyhow Greenbacks all they way for me accept when you can’t use them. Because no one will ever allow you to go full stack that you do need with some amplifiers plus who is going to carry all of that and what stage has space for it nowadays?
    I do love that middle range and that detailed sound Greenbacks have. I love them in the reissue models as well. They all have that texture and recognizable tone. Almost like they have one more speaker playing same but sounding bit different. Complex texture.
    I like their breakup. With the smaller amplifier they are great. So yes 1×12 combo with 15 to 18 Watt and you are golden and modern venues safe. Lower sensitivity helps with sound level because you are less loud and they always want you to be less loud.
    Personally I like more mix of Creamback M and H than V30 and Greenback. Complex tone that leans to Creamback H that I still love vs mix that has more V30 than Greenback and I am no more V30 fan.
    Luckily that only my opinion and only your own opinion matters. Take what ever speakers you like, put them in a good cabinet like in the stuff from Zillacabs and enjoy.

  • If ever there were a pair of speakers that sound like they need a thorough beatdown of a break in, it's those two.

  • Vintage 30 darker and smoother with gain, more chime with cleans (beautiful playing by the way on that clean section).

  • V30 is known for being "pokey" in the mids but I like the lower mids of the V30 more and find the greenback fizzy in the upper mids in a way that I do not like. I have tried over and over to move on from V30s but they just work for me and I have used them for 30 years. I even love V30s for cleans and I have real Fender 67 blackface and Two-Rock amps.

  • A= brighter so I thought it was the v30 and preferred it even tho I hate this speaker.
    B= darker and bit fizzy… So I'd never thought it was the v30 actually.
    Glad I preferred A which was actually the greenback.

    I hate the v30 but

  • Greenback!

    I’m not a fan of the over pronounced mids in the V30 but the reason I love a greenback is that it’s actually less efficient! So you have to turn your amplifier Up a little more to get the same volume out of a greenback which means you’re pushing the power amp a bit harder and that feels amazing!!!
    I actually really love the EVH greenbacks!!

    Atm I’ve got vtype speakers in my Zilla 2×12 and that has a lot of the qualities of the V30 but also doesn’t have the mid thing the V30 does. Kinda sounds like a cross between a greenback and a v30


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